

This hack can’t hack the hacking

Undercover: Science students

We did science so you don’t have to.

SHIT SUBJECT: The Sciences

VOTE NOW: We know, we’ve stretched the definition of ‘Science’ quite far.

Could DAVID POCOCK be headed for Cambridge?

Grange Road may see another Rugby International before long

REVIEW: The Wizard of Obs

Side effects of the Addenbrooke’s Charity Panto may include joy, laughter, and a great evening out, diagnoses Dr. Truelove.

REVIEW: Inside MedSoc’s Crystal Ball

This year’s MedSoc Ball was all about the fortune teller.

Is the modern woman really free to explore her sexuality?

It’s more than okay to be a girl and have casual sex with different people

Students shouldn’t have to pay for prescriptions

Like seriously… I can’t afford that

Cambridge is the worst place to study medicine

A recent survey is shedding some rather embarrassing light on how good a medicine degree at Cambridge really is

Sleeping beauty: Miss Cambridge takes to the streets

Our very own Miss England has been awarded a new epithet after a stint on the city’s streets, that of ‘caring Carina’

Tim Squirrell – The Tragedy of Enthusiasm

In his first columnn, TIM SQUIRRELL regales us with his thoughts on motivation, identity and keen freshers.

The Tab Meets: The Next Miss Cambridgeshire?

Who Knew? Will Murray Edwards be home to the next MISS CAMBRIDGESHIRE?

Mystic Malcolm: your horoscope by subject

MYSTIC MALCOLM brings dubious news of the future. What will your fate be?

Baa Baa Black Sheep: “Macabre” Animal Tests at Physiology Department

Major UK animal campaigns group Animal Aid criticise sheep vivisection at the Department of Physiology

Addenbrooke’s Panto: Star Wards

Non-medic Star Wars virgin CHLOE COLEMAN and fallen-medic TIM SQUIRRELL venture to Anglia Ruskin and find out that medics can be funny too – all in the name of charity.

Lecture Hopping: Take Two

MOLLIE WINTLE continues The Tab’s series of lecture hopping. This week, it’s Medicine, NatSci and PPS.

Cox and Corpses

TIM SQUIRRELL gets emotional about Brian Cox and has something to say about science on the box.

I’m No Criminal, I Just Grow Cannabis

A local drug-farmer shares his views on medical marijuana.

Tab Health: Fresher’s Flu

Our resident medical expert ARRASH YASSAE guides you through the perils of Freshers’ Flu.

The Pills That Could Help You Pass Exams

“Imagine coffee, imagine Red Bull. Now imagine both, a dozen times stronger.” ARRASH YASSAEE investigates the murky world of performance enhancing exam drugs.