
Capitalism makes us sexist and insecure

And it does so to distract us from what’s important.

Why no one ‘deserves’ to be at Cambridge

The idea of Cambridge being for a deserving few can play into snobbery

I’m not perfect and not everyone likes me

Ploy Kingchatchaval:Week Three

Tim Squirrell – The Tragedy of Enthusiasm

In his first columnn, TIM SQUIRRELL regales us with his thoughts on motivation, identity and keen freshers.

Tim O’Brien: Week 3

This week TIM O’BRIEN explains why he thinks you’re probably working too hard.

Insecure Over Your Intelligence? You’re Not A Special Snowflake Now

CHARLOTTE IVERS feels stupid now, and so should you – but isn’t it liberating?

Lexi Abrams

“When one is in a costume of whatever guise, the past week’s academic and social stresses don’t really matter; it’s all about the moment.”