

What your favourite Cambridge study place says about you

Don’t worry, the law library has, of course, made an appearance

How to romanticise Cambridge life

For when the academically rigorous institution we signed up for is, in fact, academically rigorous

Seven ways to combat Week 5 Blues

Week 5 is not for the weak…

Tab Tries: Sunday Roast at the Tipsy Vegan

Head down to the Tipsy Vegan for great vibes and delicious food

A Glamorous Guide to Winter Ballin’ in Cambridge

Think of us as you’re drinking champagne in the glow of an unreasonable amount of fairy lights

Nine things to do in Cambridge if you’re chronically single

Including but not limited to playing ‘Dancing on my own’ on repeat and crying.

Which college would these famous people have gone to?

Like we don’t already have enough famous alumni…

Nine types of Cambridge students you’ll see on BeReal

The good, the bad, and the fake

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


The best places in Cambridge to listen to the Midnights album

In case you’re lucky enough to have reading week this week and have plenty of time to spend wandering about Cambridge pondering the meaning of life with Taylor Swift in your ears (I’m looking at you, history students)

The Cambridge Creepies: A degree told in Halloween costumes

You can learn a lot about someone from their choice of Halloween costume

The ‘Midnights’ lyrics that describe Cambridge

‘Did all the extra credit then got graded on a curve’ left us all questioning when blondie did IA Natsci

Midnights songs as Cambridge Colleges

So, are you ready for it?

Here’s how you can celebrate Diwali in Cambridge

Everything is actually after Diwali so there’s still time to celebrate

Top 10 Biggest Cambridge Icks

The best guide to not embarrassing yourself during Michaelmas

The seven best things to do in Cambridge on a rainy day

Fun ways to enjoy the city without letting the elements destroy your college puffer

How to survive Michaelmas novice rowing

Some tips to help you cope with the realisation that you’ve accidentally become a rower xoxo