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Five things you might not realise about living in Cambridge year round

Moving every item across main site makes life worth living

Your guide to surviving Cambridge Freshers’ Week

The excuse ‘I’m just a silly fresh’ will be your best friend

Eight things in Cambridge that remind me of the Roman Empire

A simple woman tries to understand why the Roman Empire has conquered the male mind

Here’s the ultimate autumn watchlist to distract you from the realities of first term!

Ah yes nothing says free therapy like watching movies to romanticise every aspect of Autumn ever like the excitement of the fall of the first orange leaf by Cam River…

Why you should write for the Cambridge Tab this term

We want YOU this Michaelmas

We asked students at other UK unis to describe the Cambridge Uni stereotype

Unfortunately accurate

10 things they don’t tell you on the Cambridge prospectus

A few things to make you feel less under fresh-ure as a Cam newbie

Which college do you really belong to? Take our quiz to find out!

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