gilmore girls deleted scene young

Guys, we were robbed of an adorable deleted Gilmore Girls scene of young Lorelai and Rory

It’s equal parts cute and cringe

Its officially Gilmore Girls season and after multiple rewatches, I am no stranger to the autumnal, wacky, cozy world of Stars Hollow. The candles are lit, the coffee is in hand and of course, another annual rewatch is due.

But it turns out there’s a deleted Gilmore Girls scene of young Rory and Lorelai that we never got to see, which gave us a load more context around Rory’s childhood.

The scene features flashback of a young Rory and Lorelai wondering around The Independence Inn, where the mother-daughter duo spent the majority of Rory’s childhood. Rory is told off for running around “the lobby” by Lorelai, which at the time is just an empty space.

Skipping about, Rory then says “But this is our house”, to which Lorelai responds “not for long”. The scene then flits back to the present and shows the Gilmores strolling around the once again empty building, reminiscing on old times before it is sold.

The scene then shows Rory, who is just about to graduate from Chilton, and Lorelai as they remind each other of their memories in the Inn.

Flicking back to the past, young Rory and Lorelai are then pictured dancing around, and Rory asks her mother “Will we live here forever?”.

In response, Lorelai explains that they will one day have their own place. It happens just as Rory graduates Chilton, and the Gilmore Girls head to the Inn to reminisce on old times before it is sold.

I wont lie, it was somewhat of a cringeworthy watch, so I am not entirely gutted it did not make the original cut. But I can appreciate the intention of showing how far Lorelai has come, working her way up to provide for Rory and buying their own house.

And seeing young Rory has never been done before on the show, giving us a glimpse into her childhood just as she is about to embark her journey to Yale. Gilmore Girls is constantly a reminder of the passage of time and coming of age… we are all growing up so fast *tissues please*.

So love or hate the scene, as my all time comfort show, I will never say no to new Gilmore Girls content, especially when I am trying to romanticise autumn in every way possible.

Gilmore Girls is available on Netflix. For more like this look at this Gilmore Girls deleted scene with young Lorelai and Rory and for all the latest Netflix news, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.

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Feature image via Netflix and YouTube