Plan a Christmas meal and we’ll tell you which Russell Group uni you should’ve gone to
Cranberry sauce is SO Bristol, right?
The Christmas dinner is, arguably, quite simple. A posh and slightly extravagant roast dinner, right? No. With third term, semester or Michaelmas (whatever your uni calls it) having just come to an end, most uni flats or houses will have just hosted their annual Christmas dinner, the creation of this meal is also often a reflection of the university it is cooked in.
Although most students will take part in this festive, flat tradition, everything about the typical Christmas dinner is incredibly controversial. From the brussel sprout debacle and whether yorkshire puddings should be there to the time, setting and dinner activities, there is no one definitive answer to the perfect Christmas meal. Everyone does it differently. There can be no doubt that your definition of the ideal Xmas dinner reveals something about your personality. Maybe you choose chicken over turkey, or perhaps you are a passionate despiser of Christmas pudding (I don’t blame you), everyone has their own tastes.
So, whether you’re at uni, a year thirteen about to submit their UCAS or a nostalgic graduate looking to return for a MA, design your perfect Xmas dinner and we’ll tell you which Russell Group uni you’re best suited to.
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