Every single Doctor from 2005 – now, definitively ranked
This time next year Ncuti Gatwa will be #1
So, not only is Sex Education legend Ncuti Gatwa set to become the 14th Doctor next year – but DAVID TENNANT IS COMING BACK. Feel free to come up with a load of nuanced points about how gimmicky it is to roll out everyone’s favourite Doctor when the ratings have hit an all-time low – but I won’t be listening.
A lot of people had a lot of opinions about Doctor Who over the last few years (myself included) – and it seems fans aren’t able to agree on anything. But seeing as I’ve got the final say… sort of, here’s every single (new-Who) Doctor, ranked:
6. Jodie Whittaker
I *really* wanted to like Jodie Whittaker when she first stumbled onto our screens. Truly, I did. But I feel like (especially as the first female Doctor) she really let me down. Her acting is SO two-dimensional – okay, you’re an out-of-breath-David-Tennant-copycat, and? What else? Where’s the range?
Chris Chibnall’s shitty storylines and companions like Graham and Ryan didn’t do her any favours, either. All-in-all, this era was a massive flop and I’d like it erased from canon.
5. John Hurt
I found the War Doctor a bit pointless. Forgive me for diving WAY too deep into the lore, but why couldn’t Paul McGann’s Doctor have fought in the Time War? Or Christopher Eccleston, as originally intended? Hate this pointless addition so much – but love John Hurt, so I simply can’t rank him last.
4. Matt Smith
Eleven’s qUiRkY energy was way too much for me. The show could’ve been renamed Amy and Clara and I still would’ve watched the hell out of it. Plus, I’ll never forgive him for introducing “bow-ties are cool” into the zeitgeist. Too many people failed to grow out of their “bow-ties are cool” phase. Matt Smith will soon pay for his crimes.
3. Christopher Eccleston
Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve been number one – but we just didn’t see enough of him. Christopher Eccleston sadly left the role after just one series. He – in the words of Ten – “could do so much more!!!”
Even seven-year-old me looked at Nine, with all his intensity and brokenness, and thought “I can fix him.” He was my first ever weird crush and he’ll always hold a special place in my heart.
2. Peter Capaldi
Peter Capaldi’s Doctor is seriously underrated, actually. He was the perfect antidote to the chaotic(ally annoying) Matt Smith, with all his wisdom and down-to-Earthness. He truly cared for his companions without becoming some weird sex symbol, and I could’ve watched him for hours.
1. David Tennant
Indisputably the best Doctor – not a joke, just a fact. The RANGE on this man was what truly made the series out-of-this-world. Details on David Tennant’s 2023 comeback are as yet unknown, but I already know it’s going to be brilliant.
Related stories recommended by this writer:
- Every single Doctor Who companion, definitively ranked
- Everything the cast of Sex Education has done since being on the show
- ‘The most deserving out there’: The Sex Education cast react to Ncuti Gatwa as Doctor Who
Featured image via BBC.