Image may contain: Graduation, Person, People, Human

This UEA grad posed with a blue VK in his graduation photo

He has a back up photo to give to his family

The humble graduation photo – a traditional keep sake of the day that concludes your university experience and celebrates everything you've achieved. It'll probably be on your family mantelpiece for years to come and shown to every visitor that comes through the door.

So it's only right to make it one to remember, one that stands out. Think big smiles, smart clothing and… VK? Well, I mean some people really love VK, and they are symbolic of a true unay experience, so why not pose with one in your grad pic?

That's exactly what Business Information Systems graduate Harry Muter did.

Image may contain: Bottle, Graduation, Person, People, Human

It even matches his tie

"So basically throughout uni in most of the club photos of me, I'd always have a VK in my hand," Harry told The Tab. "It became an ongoing joke that I should do brand repping. So I thought it would be funny to have it in my graduation pic too."

The UEA grad then caught the eye of VK themselves, who posted the photo onto their Instagram.

Harry continued: "I was thinking about how it could be incorporated, then I saw a friend's graduation pic on my newsfeed and thought it would make sense to hold the VK instead of the scroll.

"Then I just nipped to the local supermarket and bought a pack a few days before the ceremony."

Image may contain: Party, Bottle, Make Out, Music, Leisure Activities, Drink, Beverage, Alcohol, Person, People, Human

He wasn't lying when he said he had lots of photos

When asked what people's reactions to the photos have been like, Harry said that people have really liked it. "Loads of people are in on the joke so they love it," he said.

And his parents are clearly very proud.

That's his dad, lol

When asked if he has any regrets, Harry said: "Absolutely not, I don't know many people who regularly look at their graduation pictures and on the rare occasion that I do in the future it'll be a bit of a laugh.

"Plus, I've got a nice one with my sister and parents that I've distributed amongst the family."

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