AKA Married at First Sight

Guys, MAFS Australia’s Jesse and Adam have squashed their beef and are now friends

‘It’s water under the bridge’

This is how much the MAFS Australia 2023 cast got paid to be on the show

Spoiler alert! It isn’t much

A breakdown of who from the MAFS Australia 2023 cast was scouted and who applied for the show

Adam was scouted for MAFS Australia while living in London

MAFS Australia’s Jesse and Janelle have confirmed they are not dating and are just friends

Them holding hands was nothing more than being friendly!

MAFS Australia’s Evelyn and Duncan are the most gorgeous couple ever, and these photos prove it

Their face cards NEVER decline

Take this quiz to find out if Duncan from MAFS Australia season 10 would date you


The MAFS Australia girlies have all been defending Alyssa on social media

Apparently Duncan even said Alyssa didn’t deserve the edit she got

‘I felt awful about it’: The cast members who regret their time on MAFS Australia 2023

‘I regret it because of my portrayal’

Vote: Let’s settle the debate, who was the most iconic cast member on MAFS Australia 2023?

How can I choose between Layton and his facial expressions with Ollie and his impressions?

Alyssa says she wishes Evelyn and Duncan told her about their relationship first

‘I haven’t heard a peep since filming ended’