
Meet the students pushing for better anti-sexual violence policies at LSE

Hands Off LSE hopes their motion will bring about ‘a lasting change to the university’s support system’

What they say about us

Find out what The Times, The Guardian and various Big Names in the Media say about The Tab

Photos: the most important thing in journalism

A good feature or story is wasted if it has no pics. Here’s how to do them.

Journo Guide

Welcome to our no nonsense guide to good reporting.


Tab journalists have an unrivalled employment record. Here is a selection.

The Basics

Good journalism is easy if you follow a few key points.

Writing rules

Good writing is about conveying information as simply and powerfully as possible. Here are some basic points.


The industry is littered with bizarre jargon. Here’s a guide to save you embarrassment.

Dealing with comments

Journalists and writers need thick skin. If you’re the most popular person in town, you’re probably doing something wrong.

Finding news

News is what people click on: here are some places to find it.

The Tab in the Nationals

Our stories regularly find their way into the nationals. Here is our pick of The Tab’s biggest hits.


Writing features

Making an impact with your feature

News writing

News is The Tab’s bread and butter. It has some important and distinctive elements.

Freedom of Information

All you need to know about making freedom of information requests, a useful source for stories


Neville Thurlbeck

Former news editor, News of the World. ‘How to get scoops’

Maurice Chittenden

Night editor of the Sunday Times. ‘How to manufacture news’

Work Ex at locals

Local newspapers are where every young journalist should start.
