I went to Hummus Soc for the first time and here’s how it went

“Hummus Soc is Love! Hummus Soc is Life! Hummus Soc is Happiness!”

York Uni is full of AMAZING societies that a lot of people just wouldn’t think that they could be a part of, myself included. So I decided to take a leap and try something new, by attending a social put on by  ‘York Uni Hummus Society’ (HumSoc). As a second-year student and hummus lover, I thought this would be a great opportunity to snack on something I love, and prove to all that stepping out of your comfort zone can make your uni experience!

The event in question was a hummus and wine evening followed by a night boogying at Ziggy’s Indie Tuesdays. I was feeling understandably a little nervous as I have never attended an event before, so I decided to bring along fellow Tab writer and Hummus Soc enthusiast Saran to help me document the night. 

We walked in at 6pm sharp (the events are usually every Tuesday 6-7pm) to the sound of a perfectly crafted indie playlist… it felt like I was already in Ziggys. President and BNOC Gavindu (Gav) B-lined straight for us with open arms, and hummus tubs. He has been running the society since last September. During this time the society has grown exponentially from 10 to over 100 members.

When we asked why there has been such an increase in turnout he replied, “Its probably because we’re super cool. That and who’s gonna say no to free hummus and breadsticks.”

After speaking to Gav we took a moment to sit, reflect and eat the provided breadsticks with some hummus. The array of hummus was wide and wonderful, from Moroccan to Classic, and Red pepper to a funky chocolate flavour, there was something for everyone.

As we were seated other members flocked towards us singing praises of the committee and society; saying “Hummus Soc is Love! Hummus Soc is Life! Hummus Soc is Happiness!” and “I live for Hummus Soc and I will die for it too”. This almost cultish group seemed to worship the cause of Hummus.  

It’s apparent that the committee, led by Gav, merits this praise. As the welcoming sound engineer told us “Hummus is a very inclusive society, you don’t even have to like hummus to come”, “The reason I come back every week is not the Hummus it’s the lovely people who run it.”

President Gav (Back Left)

The people who run the society were indeed lovely when we spoke with them. They all shared the Sound Engineer’s mantra of inclusivity. “I believe people keep coming back because first and foremost this is a place of acceptance and inclusion. We want to hear everyone’s ideas about Hummus” said Welfare Sec Jack. Followed by the hot popular opinion preached by one of the social secs Roisin (whose Humsoc social media page has been on our radar since September) that its “Because it’s just really fun innit!! And the Hummus is free!!”

By the time we knew it, the hour in Spring Lane was up … or was it?

It appears the night carries on for the society outside of Spring Lane, their affiliation with Ziggys is as strong as hummus and breadsticks. And I ended up having an amazing time with the members and committee in the club!

Thank you so much to the HumSoc team, for welcoming me with such warmth and kindness and providing me with a great night. I know I will be back next week, and I recommend that everyone reading this article should give it a go. Step out of your comfort zone and make new exciting friendships. 

And if you find that Hummus Society really is for you, a little birdy told me they are looking for new committee members for next year so don’t be shy to apply…