Sorry but if you do any of these 10 things, you’re a lazy Exeter student

1. Skipping lectures

Here at the University of Exeter, us students have mastered the joy of doing enough just to get by. Such as, submitting an essay a minute before the deadline or taking an Apple Taxi to avoid St. David’s Hill.

We have to say, Exeter student’s laziness is admired. TP Wednesdays are never missed but a 9AM lecture? No thanks. Exeter students might not be the hardest working, but they’ll be the best at making it look like they are. And honestly? That’s a skill in itself. So, if you find yourself agreeing with any of these things, sorry but you are a lazy Exeter student.

1. Skipping your lectures

Are you even an Exeter student if you haven’t missed a 9AM? Especially one which required walking up Forum Hill. Maybe a Wednesday social was too much, or your bed was just too comfy. We’ll let you off the hook if you actually watch the lectures back (even if it’s in 2x speed).

2. Getting Apple Taxis everywhere

Exeter students would rather pay £8 than walk up Cardiac Hill, and who can blame them? These hills are ROUGH. With the way many students use taxis instead of their feet, Apple Taxi is going to need a loyalty scheme soon. Plus, walking is for the financially responsible (which doesn’t apply to many of our lazy Exeter students).

3. Having food delivered every day

Who wants to walk all the way to town for a food shop? Like you probably say, it’s just “more convenient” (or you don’t know how to cook). Let’s be honest, the delivery drivers probably know you better than your seminar leaders at this point. Will it really hurt you to make a simple spag bol from time to time?

4. Waiting until your basket is overflowing to do your laundry

If you haven’t waited until your laundry basket looked like it was about to explode, are you normal a uni student? On top of that you have to wait ages until a washing machine is free and Circuit laundry is too expensive anyway. You’re basically saving money. It’s just girl math x

5. Pre-drinking harder than you study

Of course, the pres are way more important than that summative due next week. Some Exeter students are definitely only here for “uni” and not university. They won’t wake up for their lectures but they sure will be the first to arrive at a 6PM pres. Don’t let uni work stand in the way of those vodka lemonades before heading to TP.

6. Leaving dishes in the sink until they grow mould

It’s fine, you’re just “letting them soak”… and by that you mean leaving them in the sink for a whole month until they turn blue with mould. But you know one of your flat mates will do it for you before it grows a new ecosystem, how generous! However, you will receive a very passive aggressive message in the group chat about cleaning up after yourself…

7. Doing top up food shops in the Market Place

Either in the Forum or Laf, it’s much easier to just go to here four times a week for food (and a sweet treat) than doing a weekly food shop, surely? Might not be ideal for the bank account but it’s definitely ideal for a lazy Exeter student.

8. Wearing your Birks and Tom’s Trunks every day

We know you’ll find these on most Exeter students’ floor waiting to be worn again tomorrow. Rain or shine, a lecture or at Impy, you’ll catch Exeter students in one of these. Maybe it’s a uniform we’re unaware of (or just a lazy Exeter student thing). But we get it. They are stylish and so comfy.

9. Doing your assignment the night before (and complaining about it)

We all know that one person that pulls an all nighter and submits their assignment on ELE 10 mins before it’s due. They swear they will be more organised next time but then they’re in the Forum library until 4AM, downing their third RedBull as they begin to write their first paragraph. Yet, they always somehow manage to pull through. Maybe they just perform well under pressure?

10. Going somewhere to study but getting nothing done

Who said having a coffee and debrief in Artigiano’s or a pint in The Ram isn’t productive? Sometimes the gossip is more valuable than the degree. University stories will last forever, this formative won’t.