An A to Z of everything that will make up an Exeter student’s life

yes, P is for Pret – how did you guess?

When you think of the components that make up your typical Exeter student, your mind will probably go to Schöffels, UGG Ultra Minis and someone raw-dogging their MacBook up Forum Hill. Whilst all of these are true, there is certainly more to these mysterious and edgy individuals.

Exeter is known for its quirks and uniqueness (especially having to be at TP for 7pm). Whether you are a fresher or a post-grad, this guide will certainly give you an insight into the life of someone who studies at “Exetah”.

So, let’s get started.

A is for Adidas

Sambas, Campuses or Gazelles, Adidas seems to be winning the hearts of students in Exeter, and it’s understandable, they are very cutesy.

B is for beaches

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Trips to Exmouth and Dawlish will undoubtedly consume all of your term three plans, and rightfully so. But, be prepared to never have a seat on the train, because getting to and from is a battle, mainly because everyone else has had the same idea – sack off studying for exams in favour of some drinks, a swim and catching a tan.

C is for curly fries

Getting a portion of curly fries from The Ram is right of passage for all Exeter students, and I can guarantee it will be the best £2.50 you’ll ever spend.

D is for day drinking

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Pres starting at 3pm surely qualifies as day drinking, doesn’t it? It definitely feels like it…

E is for EGB

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We still may have not recovered from the great crash of FIXR for this year’s Enchanted Garden Ball however, all is forgiven.

EGB is the highlight of the Exeter student calendar. But be prepared to see everyone from your course whilst you’re waiting for the silent disco.

F is for Forum Hill

Even the most athletic of people get out of breath by the time they reach the top, it’s inevitable.

G is for gap year

If you’ve not met that one person that did their “gap yah” backpacking in Bali and had to hear about how it completely changed their life, do you actually go to Exeter?

H is for housing

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Seriously – name a more stressful process. Why do we need to sign a contract with people we’ve only known for a few weeks?

I is for Impy 

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When their beer garden is open and the fairy lights are on, it’s an Exeter student’s staple evening activity.

J is for J names

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The ultimate red flag, and ones that should be avoided on a night out – do not do it to yourself.

That J name you met from a messy TP Wednesday will NOT provide for you.

K is for king’s cup in ring of fire

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If you’re lucky it will just be a random concoction of cider, spirits and mixers. But sometimes you pre with those that think eggs and milk deserve a spot in the cup.

DO NOT break the circle.

L is for Longchamp bags

This one is for the girlies (BRB off to cry at how pricey they are).

M is for mullets

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I dare you to find an Exeter boy who has not gone through or contemplated a mullet phase.

N is for Napoleon

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The cutest campus cat to ever exist (you have to stop and stroke him, it’s the law)

O is for Overheard

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A godsend or a hinderance? We shall never know but buying a TP ticket for more than £10 is outrageous. Yet, we have ALL been a victim at least once.

P is for Pret

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Bringing coffee from home is an unreasonable request for “Exetah” students.

Q is for quarter-zips

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Are you even an Exeter student if you don’t own one?

R is for Ralph Lauren

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Much like quarter-zips, it is a must-have for an “Exetah” student, because they need some way to tell everyone they are great at finding Depop, Vinted, and charity shop bargains.

S is for saying ‘rah’, ‘yah’, ‘Mummy’ or ‘Daddy’

 Pretty self-explanatory, but what’s wrong with just “mum and dad”?

T is for Timepiece

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Enough said.

U is for Undergrad Café

A 10/10 study spot and the student discount certainly makes it even better.

V is for varsity

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Rugby varsity specifically is a big event in most students’ social calendars. You can’t go to Exeter and not like rugby (you defo can, just don’t tell anyone)

W is for walking down Sidwell Street

The first time you do it will be a life changing experience.

X is for Xmas markets

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Going with your housemates, your partner or just by yourself, it is a wholesome experience that will definitely get you feeling Christmassy in no-time.

Y is for your embarrassing first year stories

Everyone has them and someone will undoubtedly bring them up at the WORST possible time, but own it – we’ve all been a silly fresher

Z is for ZZZZZ

The sound of you sleeping through your alarm and accidentally missing that boring lecture you didn’t want to go to anyway.

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