Forget the alphabet- Here’s the Warwick Uni A-Z every student should know about!

What you leave Warwick having really learned…

With Freshers’ Week well under way there will be many a fresher facing Warwick traditions for the first time, heading to a first circle, attending a bar crawl, joining societies and sports clubs. Well, here is my A-Z of Warwick life, the mystical alphabet of the campus and beyond.

A is for assignments 

Enough said really. You are actually here to learn don’t forget.

B is for Benjamin Satchwell

Are you even a uni student if you aren’t going to Spoons?

C is for Circle 

Sorry, I can’t tell you the rules xoxo

D is for Dirty Duck

Our open meetings can usually be found here- iykyk- keep an eye out! 👀

E is for evenings at T-Bar

Newly refurbished and all.

F is for formals and balls

A highlight in any uni calendar- society balls.

G is for Grapevine

Definitely not SU approved, but the grapevine account is where all the gossip gets spilled.

H is for happy hours 

The best news on a student budget.

I is for ice cream van 

This is a lifesaver, a beacon of hope, the ice cream van on piazza saved many souls struggling through term three.

J is for Jagerbombs

It’s a right of passage. They’re cheap and cheerful but definitely a mistake. I tried to warn you.

K is for Kasbah Mondays 

Word on the street is they have a new rooftop garden.

L is for Leamington

The only place to live in my opinion… Coventry who?? Canley? Where’s that?

M is for Milburn House 

Trust me this deserves a mention because the million mile walk there is a killer.

N is for Neon

It’s certainly an experience… a busy one.

O is for Oculus 

The plush seats, the large windows…

P is for POP!

A must attend. Be there or be square.

Q is for queue jump 

I will never forget the horrors of trying to buy a Smack queue jump ticket at 6pm every Tuesday.

R is for Rolf the cat

Follow his insta fr guys- @rolfatwarwick – insta: Rolf’s insta

S is for Skool Dayz

Who wouldn’t want to dress up and listen to cheesy school disco songs?

T is for Tuesday Smack (and obviously The Tab)

Both award winning businesses if you ask me.

U is for U1

Will these buses ever be on time? Who know?

V is for Viallis

The place to be after a night out.

W is for Westwood

Why do we have that strange add on to campus? No-one really knows.

X is for xtremely hungover 

(So much so that you can’t even spell- just be sure to make your 9am.)

Y is for your student ID

Don’t lose this I BEG.

Z is for Zeeman Building 

Realistically we all knew I’d struggle to find Warwick lore beginning with Z so if we have a Z building it gets a mention.

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