From Rory to Dean, here are all the Gilmore Girls characters as Taylor Swift songs
Red (Taylor’s Version) is so Stars Hollow coded
We are now in September which means only one thing: It’s officially Gilmore Girls season. As the air gets colder, the evenings get darker and the leaves turn orange, there is only one place to turn and that is to the annual Gilmore Girls rewatch. Gilmore Girls encapsulates autumn cosiness in the best way because, for some reason, it is autumn and winter all year round in Stars Hollow but we’re not complaining. Along with the Gilmores, another lover of the autumn season is Taylor Swift. Taylor Swifts iconic TikTok of her naming all the things she loved about fall deffo gave Lorelai Gilmore a run for her money.
Taylor Swift has been constantly compared to Lorelai Gilmore online and I actually see it. They have the same goofy sense of humour, love for autumn and beautiful blue eyes. However, Taylor Swift could run the Independence Inn but Lorelai could not write All Too Well, I’m sorry. People on TikTok are obsessed with making edits of the beloved Gilmore Girls characters to Taylor Swift songs and they match a little too perfectly! So perfectly in fact it has made me wonder if Taylor is a secret fangirl of the show and if so, I would love to know if she’s on team Logan, Dean or Jess. In honour of Gilmore girls season, let’s run through all the Gilmore Girls characters as Taylor Swift songs.
Lorelai – You’re on Your Own Kid

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Lorelai was so hard to pick as so much of Taylor Swift’s discography relates to her character. However, I went with You’re on Your Own Kid as she heartbreakingly is abandoned by her parents, society and many partners throughout the show. Despite this she always picks herself up and keeps building the life she wants. The lyric “I didn’t choose this town, I dream of getting out” relates to her hating the societal expectations she grew up in, so she moved to Stars Hallow and got out.
The lyric “I picked the petals, he loves me not” reminds me of when season one boyfriend Max buys her a 1,000 daisies as a romantic gesture. Also the lyric “I saw something they can’t take away” describes how Rory was worth all of the pain in her life.
Rory – Nothing New

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Out of all the Gilmore Girls characters as Taylor Swift songs, Rory could have been a few, but no songs matched as well as Nothing New. Rory is known for her massive fall from grace as this lovable girl with so much potential to an entitled brat who drops out of Yale. Say it with me everyone, “WHY DID YOU DROP OUT OF YALE?”. Nothing New is the perfect match for Rory as it centres around the theme of really loosing yourself in your early 20s and also is on the album Red (Taylor’s Version) which is the most autumnal album.
The lyric “how can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22?” really applies to Rory. At 18 she had so many goals of going to Yale and becoming a journalist, but by 22 she became a lost and spoilt dropout with a criminal record (for stealing a yacht, so rouge). I think the whole of Stars Hollow crowning Rory, at age 16, the star girl of the town really did a toll on her and I feel like she would relate to the lyric “lord, what will become of me once I’ve lost my novelty?”.
Lane – Seven

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Lane had one of the saddest lives in the show and she deserved SO much better. She always had grown up in a really strict household, that never let her be her true self so the lyric “I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why” demonstrates the hostile environment. Lane often goes to the Gilmore’s house for support or to have fun and be herself, so she would relate to the lyric “I think you should come live with me”. She also hides all her favourite music, clothes and fun but forbidden stuff in her closet, which directly correlates to the lyric “you won’t have to cry or hide in the closet”.
Paris – Mirrorball

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Paris is the most Mirrorball character I have ever seen. She is a massive over achiever with insane expectations for herself. She fits the lyrics “I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try” perfectly as nothing comes naturally to her ands she has to work at everything she has. Mirrorball is beloved by many Swifties just like Paris who is a widely loved complex female character.
Jess – The Way I Loved You

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Jess is such a mysterious heartthrob so The Way I Loved You describes perfectly his unpredictability as a partner and the excitement that brings. He always provides Rory “a roller coaster kind of rush” in their relationship. He could also be described as “so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated” by not just Rory but the whole town.
Dean – The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

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Dean is one hundred percent The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, I’m not even sorry. Dean was the worst boyfriend for Rory (and husband to Lindsey) and actually quite misogynistic. Not only did he cheat on his wife, but he also was so toxic to Rory. Dean relates to the lyric “cause it wasn’t sexy once it wasn’t forbidden” as he only slept with Rory while he was married.
Logan – Champagne Problems

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Logan is so Champagne problems coded with his wealthy background and esteemed family who look down on Rory. When he proposes to Rory at graduation and she says no, it reflects the lyric “sometimes you just don’t know the answer ’til someone’s on their knees and asks you”. Also Logan definitely drinks Dom Pérignon with his private school mates. The lyric “November flush and your flannel cure” is so fitting for autumn at Yale as well as references to college dorms in the song.
Luke – You are in Love

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Luke and Lorelai are one of the best “will they, won’t they” relationships in TV. They have such a beautiful friendship that is a great foundation for their later relationship. One of Taylors most romantic lines in this song “says you’re my best friend and you knew what it was, he is in love” describes Lukes feelings for Lorelai perfectly. I also think the lyric “coffee at midnight” is perfect as well as he’s constantly serving the Gilmore Girls coffee at all times of the day and night.
Emily and Richard – Tolerate it

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Emily and Richard have a very traditional relationship and it causes them to be disconnected. Richard is always working while Emily is at home which relates to the lyric “while you were out building other worlds, where was I?” They both are very concerned with what they look like to society rather than being happy. I’m pretty sure Taylor wrote the lyric “lay the table with the fancy shit and watch you tolerate it” based on the scene when Emily buys expensive apple table decorations to try and impress Richard and he doesn’t even look at them. Also Richard reading at the dinner table relates to the lyric “I sit and watch you reading, with your head low”.
Sookie and Jackson – Lover

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Out of all the Gilmore Girls characters as Taylor Swift songs, this couldn’t be a better fit. Sookie and Jackson are couple goals as they are so in love consistently throughout the whole of the show, whether they have know each other “20 seconds or 20 years”. The lyric “swear to be overdramatic and true” is so like Sookie with her crazy cooking ventures and bubbly personality. They are so romantic as a couple and the vibe of this song matches that perfectly.
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