These are the most horrifying uni flatmate stories, according to Reddit

I lost all faith in humanity while reading these

Living with total strangers in glorified shoeboxes is often more challenging for uni students than their actual degrees. Pretty much every uni student has some horror story about *that* flatmate who stole all their cutlery / left raw chicken in the sink / vomited in the corridor (believe it or not, those examples are all about one uni flatmate I had). Here are the most feral, bizarre and creepy uni flatmate stories that Reddit had to offer. I would advise you not to read them right before you eat dinner.

I would never cook in that uni kitchen again

“Flatmate ordered a load of fish but rather than from a local fishmonger, a wholesale place that sells unprepared fish to mongers. Walked in the kitchen one day and he was de-scaling a massive fish. I looked on the floor to see scales everywhere, then out the corner of my eye I saw something move…it was a live crab scuttling behind the fridge. I ordered a takeaway that night.”

I’m scared of this flatmate

“I had a housemate who had the habit of spiking people’s food with all kinds of household detergents.”

Just why, Reddit?

“I got stuck in a halls room immediately underneath a guy who would sometimes dropped stuff out of his window – coffee, some kind of lube, a lot of toothpaste on one occasion – so that it got all over and into my windows .We were on the 9th and 10th floor. I don’t know what he was thinking.”

This must be why so many uni kitchens have brown flooring

“Someone did a sh*t on the kitchen floor. Enough said.”

This sounds like a trial on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here

“I left for a week in summer. My flatmate didn’t take the food bin out and on the day I was coming back, she called me to tell me that maggots were growing in the bin.

“Oh, and she didn’t take it out or clear anything up. Found dead maggots on the floor. Bin slime everywhere.”


Im convinced my flat mates are from the pits of hell😩#blacktiktok #uktiktok #bcu #uni #uniexperience #studenthalls #sharedkitchen

♬ original sound – Urfav🤍

Should’ve charged her extra rent

“For a week in Easter, a girl had her dad come and spend the week, she decided to contact maintenance to unlock my door pretending to be me and slept in my bed.

“Same person has also stolen my dirty clothes out of my washing basket while I’ve been in the kitchen or taking the rubbish out.”

Who puts oil in a kettle out of revenge?

“We had one flatmate who would have her dodgy friends round 2 or 3 times a week. They would start throwing food around the kitchen. Eventually, I told her it’s not on.

“This backfired and one of them put oil in the kettle and it nearly blown up in my face. Didn’t hear much of her again after this.”

This would have been a good time to live with a medical student

“I lived in a shared house in my 2nd year at uni with four people I didn’t know. One of them was a beer and rugby dudebro. He was sick on the hallway floor the very first night (my horrified mom, who had stayed overnight due to car troubles, cleaned it up). He would frequently come back late at night, drunk, and bang on the walls while literally howling. He once f*cked up his face in a drunken brawl and staggered back into the house, blood dripping off the end of his nose and yelling in pain. I pulled out a first aid kit to help him and he folded onto the floor and promptly sh*t his pants. I let his mates deal with that one. What a complete d*ck.”

I would have a literal meltdown

“Same housemate did the following (we were only in the same house for about 6 months):

  • Took loads of ketamine and p*ssed himself whilst sat on the sofa (I cannot describe the sheer quantity of p*ss – it was impressive)
  • Broke into my locked bedroom over the Christmas holiday and had sex in my bed – no idea why he didn’t use his own room
  • Nearly set the house on fire by leaving a pizza in the oven (still with the plastic wrap on it) on full blast for hours”
Uni flatmate stories from Reddit

If I came down in the morning to a kitchen like this, I would just drop out
(Credit: Chessie Gunner)

I think the whole kitchen sink should be incinerated

“I have been living in halls for a while, here are some highlights. Some highlights are people putting used period pads in an open plastic bag and leaving them in the under-sink cabinet for ages.”

This kitchen must count as a biohazard zone

“Before she got suspended, my flatmate p*ssed in our sink and used our washing up sponges to clean it without telling us for months. (I’m still not sure our other flatmates know.) She also used the same cloth to clean everything, including raw chicken, without washing it, so I ended up throwing the cloth away because it made me feel sick.

“She also threw our food away when we’d done anything she didn’t like, which was usually dropping a piece of food on the floor or visiting our partners or something inconsequential like that. It was so bad we had to get bike locks to put on everyone’s cupboards.”

Machiavellian fridge magnets 

“James started rearranging magnets on the fridge to make comments about other housemates, such as ‘Joey’s fat, Emma’s a b*tch,’.  It played housemates off against each other because no-one knew who was doing it. I spoke to him and he said that he was sure it was Emma. We all had a massive argument. Only when she went to a friend’s house for the night did James then own up that it was him all along. He said he thought it was funny.”

This can’t be fun for the ferrets

“My son is sharing with a housemate who keeps 5 ferrets loose in her bedroom.”

This is just poor architectural design

“There was one bathroom per building, so if someone was having a bath or whatever, you just didn’t have access to a toilet. One day I was desperate for a sh*t but someone was having a bath. I walked up and down outside trying to find a public toilet or an unlocked door to another residence to no avail. Eventually, I got so desperate that I went back to my room, opened up a black bin liner on the floor, took a massive dump in it, tied it up and threw it in the wheelie bin outside.”

Sounds like a TV show

“In my third year, I got a bedsit from a private landlord. One day there was a knock at my door and I opened it to find about 10 police in riot gear with a taser. They said they were looking for my neighbour. They insisted on coming into my bedsit to make sure she wasn’t hiding there. They entered each room by aiming the taser at it before walking in, like they were worried she was hiding in there and was going to jump out and get them. They even searched for her in my wardrobe.”

Very unique wall decor

“I had a housemate at uni who used to stick her used pads to the wall in one of the bathrooms.”

Uni flatmate stories from Reddit

This photo demonstrating the messiness of some student uni halls definitely isn’t a picture of my second year room

Note: This is not a funny prank

“Lived in a student house with a very weird history student who did a handful of hours a week. One morning, I was walking down the stairs and he passed me in the hallway carrying a turd on a piece of paper.

“Turns out the previous night he had come home drunk and thought it would be funny to sh*t on our doorstep so that another housemate stepped in it on the way out the next morning. He managed to pick the one day that he had an early lecture and we all started at 10.”

Is this for medical experiments? Chemical warfare? A very weird fetish?

“I used to flat-share with a guy who at one point had 36 litres of p*ss in his room.”

Toilet paper troubles

“One of my uni flatmates (we’ll call her Stephanie) refused to contribute to anything we bought communally – toilet paper, cleaning supplies, bath mats, etc. Stephanie claimed that she never cleaned anything, so why should she have to pay for something she never used?

“Most of my flatmates went home for the Easter holidays, and it was just Stephanie in the house. A few days in, Stephanie sent me a message to say that we’d run out of toilet paper and demanded that I buy some. I told her that I was hundreds of miles away and I wouldn’t be back for a few weeks, so she’d have to get it herself (we lived about a 2-minute walk from Aldi). She sulked about it in the group chat, called us bad flatmates, and demanded that we all had to pay her back for the toilet paper that she bought for herself.

“When I got back after the holidays, there were about 5 rolls of toilet paper still in the bathroom cupboard where we always kept it. Stephanie was clearly under the impression that it appeared magically on the holder.”

I’m really sorry to all students who have to share rooms

“Shared a room with two other people in uni. One guy was obsessed with wanking. I mean really obsessed. He had a thing where he had to do it onto the floor. Going for a p*ss in the middle of the night was like trying to cross a minefield .

“The other guy was a total c*nt despised by everyone. I managed to persuade wank lad that doing it into c*nt’s pockets was a good idea.”


We all have that one messy roommate… #roommates #college #collegeroommate #collegelife #dormlife #fyp Ft. @jellybean_rat ✨

♬ original sound – The Social Life

Maybe there should be compulsory GCSEs in ‘Personal Hygiene’ and ‘Common Sense Studies’

“Lived with two girls who were so bad at being adults. One told me the Hoover was broken, so I asked if she’d emptied it. She was legitimately shocked that you had to empty hoovers.

“She also washed a condom with her washing. The drain blocked and she just left her clothes in there with all the water going grey and gross, so when the mechanic came three weeks later, I gave him a bin bag and we tossed her clothes in the bin. She tried to claim it wasn’t her condom. In her washing. From her room.”

This is the opposite of romance

“Lived with a couple (never again). They used to go to the bathroom and take showers together really late at night next to my bedroom, and sometimes the girl would leave her used sanitary towels on the ledge in the (shared) bathroom. It was grim.”

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