If The Traitors contestants were Cambridge students, this is what college they’d be in
Of course Trinity is Paul
After binge-watching the first series of BBC’s The Traitors in a day (anything to ignore my deadlines), it’s an understatement to say I’ve become obsessed with Series Two. With Medwards alumna, Claudia Winkleman, presenting, the show is clearly becoming a classic for modern TV.
What better way to ignore more deadlines than to write which college the (remaining) Traitors contestants would go to?
Andrew – Peterhouse
A quiet man, but he (was) a reliable one. Gonna go Peterhouse for this one.
Charlie – Lucy Cav
A lovely, friendly, bubbly person for a lovely, friendly college. She’s fun and enthusiastic and I want to be friends with her.
Charlotte – Jesus
Jesus is quite a big college and Charlotte is definitely a noticeable contestant. Even if she’s completely off-the-mark with Paul, she steals the scene every time she’s there.
Diane – Medwards
She was the highlight of every episode (R.I.P.), and taking over Twitter. Like all the Medwards students you know, she’s so cool.
Evie – Selwyn
I’m gonna be so real with you, I completely forgot about her until I googled the full list of contestants. Nonetheless, she seems very lovely so I’ve given her the neutral college of Selwyn. I’m sure her veterinary knowledge would have been helpful in the scabies outbreak.
Harry – Sidney Sussex
Quite a central character, as a Traitor, but also acts well as a Faithful. I think Sidney is sporty and he says he boxes in the army so I’m sure he’d thrive here.
Jasmine – Newnham
I don’t know if I want to be her or date her. And isn’t that how we all feel about Newnham? The coolest college around, with the loveliest people.
Jaz – Christ’s
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Not only did he spot Paul, but now he’s onto Harry, too (especially since Paul dropped him in it after the Round Table). This quiet intelligence just screams Christ’s.
Miles – King’s
Mark my words, Miles will go far in the show. He’s the perfect Traitor, to the point I forget he is a traitor. I’d behave the same way, not running around in challenges, so the centrality of King’s would be perfect for him
Mollie – Girton
She’s quiet but she is most certainly a gem. Like the way Girton is quite insular, the people you meet there are certainly lovely.
Paul – Trinity
Love him or hate him, he made great TV. We all love to hate Trinity (I’m actually a big fan but let me seem relatable), the same way we love to hate Paul. He played the game well and, as a traitor, was the main character, just like Trinity.
Ross – Churchill
With his mum (I’m still shocked at that twist too) being at a Hill College, it makes sense that he would be too. Considering the architecture of both colleges is quite similar, but not the same, it equally shows the family resemblance that Diane and Ross lack.
Zack – Queen’s
This man has his theories; he reads every interaction, and he’s slowly onto Paul. Even if he thought Paul and Diane were related, he is very very intelligent. As someone involved in politics, he seems like he’d be into Queen’s PolSoc.
Feature image credits: BBC on YouTube