We asked students for Warwick Uni stereotypes, and sadly most of them were true
Yes, we’re in the middle of nowhere. No, we didn’t get into Cambridge
If there’s one thing about Russell Group universities out there, it’s that their reputations often proceed them. Cast your mind to Oxford and Cambridge. Picture them in your head. That’s right – fancy gowns, know-it-all students and a very cute, very chic academia vibe that beckons you to study. Exeter? More like Exe-tah. Imperial? I’m not sure if those guys know what fresh air is tbh.
But now – Warwick. I’ve taken it upon myself, under the guise of journalism, to investigate our uni’s reputation. To do this, The Warwick Tab have asked many students from both Warwick and other universities about our very own beloved campus’ stereotypes. Sadly, most of them ended up being true – but that’s also up to you to decide.
One student claimed “We’re all Oxbridge rejects” over here. In my experience, this is unfortunately true. Perhaps I’m speaking from personal experience, and I secretly hold a grudge against Oxford’s Christ Church (the really cool Harry Potter college) for brutally rejecting my application post-interview (I don’t). But everywhere you go, during Freshers Week, you’ll hear the words: “Which unis did you apply for?”. Just be sure to expect the words “Oxford” and “Cambridge” thrown around a lot, real casually, the way I just did. It’s become so casual that one student deemed the newly-coined phrase to be “Woxbridge” – a delightful concoction and reminder of Warwick’s failures to reach the upper end of unis.
High-end luxury shopping at Rootes Grocery
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Rumour has that, whenever a Warwick student requires high-end, luxury goods, they go and cop a Prawn Mayo sandwich and a packet of crisps from Rootes Grocery Store. This is a stereotype that is most definitely true. Rootes Grocery is, in a word, expensive – which is pretty ironic because the Rootes accom is like the opposite and gives off some serious dusty energy. Yet, Gucci and Chanel have nothing against the Warwick branded jumpers and hoodies they sell at Rootes Grocery – although I will say that they are pretty good quality and I’m a proud owner of one myself. On a positive note though, they do have great, relatively cheap sausage rolls and muffins.
BNOC culture
If there’s one reason why us Warwick students join The Tab, it’s because of this. BNOC culture is very real, and certain people can be desperate (The Warwick Tab included). It’s definitely an understandable stereotype though because we’re all confined to one campus, and you’ll eventually see the same faces drift past you again and again at the piazza. Also, The Warwick Tab host an impeccable BNOC competition, and last year one student actually sent in a whole paragraph complaining because they weren’t chosen – leading to a couple of laughs from our Social Media Editor. But that’s show business – it’s like Hollywood up in here.
‘Rah, where’s my baccy?’
Another Warwick student claimed that campus was “full of posh, rich kids”, and unfortunately, the dreaded “Rah, where’s my baccy?” phrase can be heard echoing down from Bluebell and creeping its way into Tocil of all places. To be fair though, I’ve only ever heard this ironically. But I wouldn’t be surprised if these “posh, rich kids” were indeed marinating in money back up in Bluebell or Cryfield Townhouses for that matter. I once heard that Bluebell students only ever order their groceries via Waitrose delivery, and that they don’t use the bus to travel into Cov because an Uber does the same trick. They’re not wrong, but wow, I’m jealous.
Creative arts students look, well, creative
Just take a look at any FAB study spaces and you’ll be met with a plethora of tote bags, baggy jeans and vintage jackets. So it’s definitely an accurate stereotype that art students dominate a lot of campus spaces, but that’s only when you go looking for them (that is, in said arts study spaces). If you dare venture into the comp sci block and the engineering department, I promise you’ll smell the STEM students coming your way too. That being said, another Warwick student claimed that “apparently male film students are virgin, naive kids – which is 70 per cent true”. I can’t really comment on that. I just think it’s… definitely an observation. Let creatives be creatives, I guess.
Social Life? More like farm life
“Clubs are insanely mid only if you and your mates’ vibes are dead”. That’s what one student exclaimed regarding Warwick’s treacherously regarded social life. Are we a bit on the quiet side? Maybe. Are we worse than Imperial? Definitely not. Sure, it’s definitely a stereotype that the nightlife is tragic at Warwick, because we’re in the middle of nowhere (surrounded only by green pastures) and our closest city is Coventry. But I disagree. Uni social life is what you make of it – living in a naive, blissful little bubble can do wonders for flat parties and drunken walks across campus roads.
Soulless econ boys
“We all study econ and we’re all soulless”. Quite the statement from another Warwick student, but is it true? I can definitely agree with the second half, but that’s probably down to my own personal vendetta against the concept of money and how economics actually works. It’s all made up to me. But rest assured, Warwick campus is not brimming with econ boys, or I would have promptly deferred. No, the econ boys can mostly be found living it up in Smack or boring everyone in their flat halls. They can smell anyone who hasn’t watched “The Wolf of Wall Street” yet though, so be warned.