These are the top 10 How I Met Your Mother episodes ever, according to IMDb
Girls vs. Suits was ROBBED
How I Met Your Mother was one of the greatest sitcoms and even though the characters still deserve justice for the truly tragic ending, there is still much to be loved about the series. While a lot of the episodes are too iconic to ever forget about it, there is no way someone could decide the best How I Met You Mother episode ever.
IMDb has ranked every single episode of How I Met Your Mother with user votes to decide the ultimate best episode. The top 10 are all rated nine and above so the episodes are up against a lot of tough competition.
These are the top 10 best How I Met Your Mother episodes ever, ranked by IMDb:
10. Blitzgiving
IMDb score: 9.0

via CBS
The official synopsis reads: “When Ted leaves the bar early to prepare a Thanksgiving feast for his friends, the gang winds up partying all night with The Blitz, an old friend from college who has bad luck. As a result, Ted is forced to spend Thanksgiving with Zoey.”
The number 10 spot goes to Blitzgiving, the episode where Ted plans to cook his first ever Thanksgiving episode but as a result he misses out on fun moments with his friends when he leaves early, and soon becomes the Blitz. The episode is nothing short of your usual HIMYM chaos so it makes sense as to why it’s in the top 10.
9. Girls vs. Suits
IMDb score: 9.0
Girls vs. Suits was robbed to be ranked at just the ninth best episode, and mainly because of Neil Patrick Harris’ song number.
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The synopsis for Girls Vs. Suits reads: “Barney chooses between wearing suits and sleeping with a sexy bartender. Meanwhile, Ted gets ever closer to meeting the mother.”
This episode definitely deserves to be in the top five of best How I Met Your Mother episodes and there will be not further debates on the matter. As Barney tries get with the new bartender at McLarens, he has to ditch his suits and the episode then becomes a musical. Truly iconic.
8. Spoiler Alert
IMDb score: 9.0

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The synopsis reads: “The guys shatter Ted’s impressions of his new girlfriend by telling him she talks to much. Ted responds by turning the tables on his friends, and they react by pointing out Ted’s worst flaw.”
The gang realise that they all have blind spots to flaws about one another when Ted starts dating Cathy. This episode is pretty forgettable, and definitely doesn’t deserve to be in the top 10.
7. Game Night
IMDb score: 9.0

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In Game Night, the gang find out about the “real” Barney after his heartbreak led him to become the person is. Barney with a ponytail and the cringey song he makes for Shannon is reason enough for this episode to be in the top 10.
The synopsis reads: “Marshall’s game night leads to some startling and very embarrassing revelations.”
6. The Naked Man
IMDb score: 9.1

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The synopsis for The Naked Man episode reads: “When the gang learns that a bold, desperation date move got Robin into bed, Ted and Barney decide to try it out for themselves.”
When Robin tells the gang about being seduced by a man who strips naked, Barney urges Ted to try out the technique with Vicky, but not everything goes to plan.
5. The Pineapple Incident
IMDb score: 9.1

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The middle ranked episode of all the How I Met Your Mother episodes is The Pineapple Incident. One of the best early episodes of How I Met Your Mother is when Ted gets blackout drunk and wakes up to find a random woman called Trudy and a pineapple in his bed. While being incredibly hungover, the gang and Trudy fill in the gaps of Ted’s utterly chaotic night.
The synopsis for the episode reads: “After and alcohol-induced blackout, Ted awakens to find a strange woman and a pineapple in his bed.”
4. The Playbook
IMDb score: 9.3

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The synopsis for The Playbook episode reads: “When Barney hooks up with a woman Lily had been saving for Ted, she gets revenge by stealing his playbook, which contains all the moves he uses to pick up women. But will Barney have the last laugh?”
After Robin and Barney breakup, Barney goes back to his old ways and uses his playbook to pick up women at the bar.
3. The Final Page: Part 2
IMDb score: 9.4

via CBS
The Final Page: Part 2 is truly the best episode in How I Met Your Mother history, so it makes sense as to how it made the top three. After months of pining over Barney, Robin finally works out but Barney is up to and he finally proposes to Robin! Barney and Robin are the best couple to come out of HIMYM and there’s no doubt about it.
The synopsis for the episode reads: “Will Ted go to the opening of his new building with Robin as his date, or will he break his promise to Barney and tell her that Barney is proposing to Patrice? Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily have big plans for a rare night out.
2. Slap Bet
IMDb score: 9.4
The synopsis for this iconic episode reads: “The gang discovers that Robin’s been hiding a huge secret, but they have no idea what it is. Marshall thinks she is married, and Barney thinks she was a porn star.”
This episode should be renamed as Robin Sparkles because after all that’s what the gang find out! In this episode, the gang find out that Robin was once a Canadian teen pop star and they see her very first music video.
1. How Your Mother Met Me
IMDb score: 9.5

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The top ranked of all the How I Met Your Mother episodes is How Your Mother Met Me. This episode is the story of how Tracy and Ted has constantly close encounters before they met at Barney and Robin’s wedding.
The synopsis for the episode reads: “The story of The Mother, from her traumatic 21st birthday to a number of close calls with meeting Ted to the night before Barney and Robin’s wedding.”
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Featured image credit via ABC.