Manchester Rent Strike is calling on first year students to withhold millions in rent this month

The group is calling for students to cancel their direct debits by 19th January

Manchester Rent Strike is calling on first year students to withhold millions in rent this month in response to year-on-year “unfair” increased price rises by the university and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. The student-led group is urging first years to cancel their direct debits by 19th January.

The campaign run by “angry UoM students living in halls” is a response to the the rising rent of UoM halls “pushing more and more students into financial struggle”.

This is the first rent strike at Manchester in two years. Previously in 2020/21, the group successfully won close to £11 million in rebates for students.

Could I get into trouble for joining the strike?

On social media, the organisation has assured students they cannot be kicked off their uni course for rent striking and that  their credit score will not be affected.

They also say: “We are all UoM students in halls also not paying rent. Any risk we ask anyone to take, we are taking. We talk to lawyers. If it gets to a risky point we will call off the strike.”

If and when Manchester University respond to the strike, everyone who has joined the campaign will be able to vote and accept the offer or continue with the strike.

For those interested in joining the rent strike, you can fill in this Google doc. You can also stay up to date with the campaign on Instagram and Twitter. If you are joining the rent strike, we want to speak to you! Get in contact via DM at @thetabmanchester.

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