Diet Coke is probably making you fat

And it’s worse than acid rain

You’re probably sipping on a can while writing your essay for a quick healthier sugar fix, but Diet Coke appears to be causing us more problems than we realise.

Dieting experts have revealed the sugar-free delights will make you gain weight, rather than lose it.

In a recent study, big dogs at the University of Texas found the more Diet Coke you drink, the more weight you supposedly put on. They discovered that over nine years, the waist circumference of those consuming diet drinks every day increased by more than three inches.

The killjoy scientists also revealed your waistline will grow even if you drink less than one can a day.

Dr Sharon Fowler, leading researcher at the University of Texas, said: “Calorie free does not equal consequence free.”

Although the experts have linked drinkers of Diet Coke to overeating anyway, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez said: “The main point is for those who drink a lot of soda, diet or not, there may be a relationship with obesity”.

Dr Fowler also linked the drinks to heart problems, adding: “There is definitely debate about the association between diet soda intake and cardiometabolic risk, which has been detected in several large observational studies.”

Our sugar-free study favourites aren’t just making it more likely for us to pile on the pounds though, they are argued to be worse than “acid rain”.

In fact, Dr Fowler said that the acidity of the nasty sweeteners found in Diet Coke are messing with our digestive systems, and making it pretty problematic when it comes to absorbing nutrients from food.

The diet gurus in Texas are advising “frequent users” to cut down and move onto tamer drinks like tasty mineral water.

And it seems better stick to the water rather than reaching for a carton of fruit juice as a substitute, as sipping on a deceptive fresh orange juice could leave you taking in as much as 51g of sugar in one serving. There’s no sweeteners involved here, but fresh juice is full of fructose, the main cause of diabetes.