Women aren’t surprised by Donald Trump’s misogyny

His sexist comments are merely an extension of the misogyny women face everyday from men across the nation

Donald Trump’s most recent crime against women is a video from 2005 in which he makes revolting comments about women. These comments are awful but not unexpected.

In the video Trump says a plethora of horrific things about women including, “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

In addition Trump, explains how he made serious advances on a married woman after she made it clear she was uninterested. He then discusses how he cannot help but kiss beautiful women.

All of these comments are nauseating, but once again not surprising because women are used to this kind of behavior happening everyday.

A night out on the town is often tarnished by a man thinking that because we’re dancing on a bar he has the right to come up and grind on us. One night after blatantly declining a suitor’s advances, he looked me in the eye and said, “Come on you know you want to have sex with me.” This disgusting and inaccurate statement left me feeling gross and objectified, and every woman can relate to that.

Almost every woman has had a man refuse to give up on his sexual advances after he is denied. Whether it’s a bar, on a date, or in your apartment, this behavior happens far to often and is way too familiar. Trump’s comments are merely an extension.

It’s a horrifying thought that the man who is a physical embodiment of misogyny could be leading this country. Women across the nation are angry, horrified and fed up, but we aren’t surprised.

We are not surprised, because the horrible views and comments Donald Trump makes about women happen every single day. Modern women have lived this discourse for their entire lives. We endure comments about our weight, intelligence, and face unwanted sexual advances on our bodies in the same way the victims of Donald Trump’s misogyny have.

Our voices have been silenced, our concerns have been mocked and minimalized, and the misogyny has continued, and the legitimacy of Trump’s campaign for presidency only proves the problems of this nation run much deeper than one sexist man.

Trump called former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado, “Miss Piggy,” and tweeted about her claiming she is disgusting and has a sex tape (no evidence suggests a sex tape exists).

Machado is a stunning woman, and these comments are absolutely uncalled for, but they happen everyday. Her facing these public comments about her weight is horrifying, but once again not surprising.

According to the Huffington Post, 50 percent of men surveyed say they would leave their partner if they gained weight. This is in comparison to 20 percent of women. Women are expected to look a certain way in order to please the men in their lives, and Donald Trump is only one of many to hold this belief.

Trump also blamed sexual assault in the military on women and men living in the same quarters. He made another horrifying comment about sexual assault when he said if his daughter was harassed he “would like to think she would find another career or find another company”

These comments about sexual assault are just an extension of the prevalence of victim blaming. Not to mention if I wanted to avoid the man who sexually assaulted me I would have to transfer schools, uproot my entire life and compromise the amazing education and opportunities I have gained here just to avoid him. Is that what Donald Trump is suggesting me and many other women in my shoes should do? Yes, it is, and it’s a notion many men would agree with.

It is our fault because we put ourselves in vulnerable positions with men who are consumed with sexual thoughts about our bodies. It is our fault, because we are not strong enough to fight off our suitors. It is our fault, because we are women and we were created for the pleasure of men.

These notions are seen throughout society in schools when we ask young girls to change, because their clothes are distracting. In the media when we ask victims what they were wearing when they were assaulted, or how much they have had to drink. At home when we tell our daughters to carry pepper spray with them, instead of telling our sons not to rape.

Donald Trump isn’t the first man to place the blame of sexual assault on women and he won’t be the last.

Trump’s misogynistic behavior is horrifying, but it is not an isolated belief. His hateful rhetoric towards women is a culmination of incidents that happen to women everyday across the nation.

Wake up America, because Donald Trump isn’t the only man who mistreats women.

Featured image by Michael Vadon.

University of Wisconsin