Hallelujah! This text bot will troll creepy guys so you don’t have to

Memorize this number


We’ve all been there, you’re out with your friends and there’s that one guy who keeps badgering you for your number. No matter how many times you tell him to fuck off, he just keeps coming back. At this point, you feel like you’d rather just give him your number and block him the second he tries to text you.

Fortunately, all of our fuckboy repellent prayers have been answered. Thanks to Boy Bye Bot, you’ll never have to give out your number to an incessant club creeper again.

The bot, which can be reached at 626-466-3293, (626-GOODBYE), carries on a seemingly normal conversation for multiple messages, until informing the sender that they are, indeed, talking to a chat bot.

Depending on how the conversation goes, the bot will also request that the texted donate to Planned Parenthood, or links to Jezebel articles.

The founder of the bot said he created so that the bot will respond to texts in a fun, harmless manner:

“When creepy guys text it (thinking it’s you), the chatbot will reply with circular logic, bizarre questions, links to Jezebel and Reductress articles, and will urge them to donate to Planned Parenthood, among other fun things.”

The bot publishes its conversations, anonymously on its website. Also found on the website is a promise that the bot is not a tool of harassment.

Their Harassment Statement says:

“This bot does not harass. It simply replies to incoming texts with automated funny replies and links to web content. Harassment sucks and we’d never ever condone that.”

Keep fuckboys on the streets and out of your sheets. The Boy Bye Bot is here to stay.