Turns out, sexism is a pretty major dating deal breaker

We did not see this coming

This may come as a shock, we know, but apparently, young women aren’t super keen on dating a dude who thinks of them as a second-class citizen who should get back to the kitchen and make them a sandwich. Wild, huh?

(It also probably explains why millennial women are largely repulsed by Donald Trump.)

This fascinating glimpse into the mysterious minds of women aged 18-40 comes courtesy of a dating app called Sapio, who surveyed 2,000 people on their dating deal breakers.

And, to be fair, while it may seem obvious to us that some guy’s misogynistic attitude is the literal opposite of sexually attractive, if having the hard data on that helps bring some dudes into the 21st century, well then that’s fine, I guess. Would it be nice to have men come to these conclusions on their own, based on factors other than what might get them laid? It sure would. But progress is…progress?

Other revelations from the study include that the ultimate deal breaker for people across the board is cheating, followed by abuse and then lying, control and trust issues. All good things to avoid.

Meanwhile, men from the 18-29 demographic are most put off by racism and intolerance, while men 30-40 are wary of bad hygiene. Which, as tempting as it is to make fun of, is kind of legit.
