I live in the South but the North will always have my heart

I still think the North is superior to anywhere below the Mason-Dixon

When I was 15 years old, I moved from a suburb outside of Detroit, Michigan, to a suburb outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. While I grew up in the mitten state, I graduated high school in North Carolina and became a Tar Heel two years ago.

Over the last five years, I’ve gotten the same question again and again: “Which is better? The North or the South?” While neither region is “better,” there are many qualities of the North that makes it my favorite area to live and visit.

Detroit, MI

The quick pace

What everyone says about the South is true – people take their time drinking their tea (and doing just about everything else). Whether it’s driving, buying groceries, or any other daily activity, people in the North don’t mess around. Everything is purposeful. Everyone is busy. For someone like me who gets anxious sitting still or having silly conversations, that is the best environment to live in.

Chicago, IL

The classic cities

New York. Boston. Chicago. There are countless cities in the North with rich histories, bustling economies and great art scenes. While there are many large and busy cities in the South, none feel quite as “classic” as the Northern cities. The auto industry of Detroit, the ancient architecture of Boston and the steel-mills of Pittsburgh are steeped in the stories of the American lifestyle, making life in these cities an experience you can’t replace.

Boston, MA

Having “four seasons”

While some people don’t like the cold, the experience of having all four seasons is irreplaceable. Each part of the year feels more exciting as you get ready for its weather, whether it’s pulling out swimsuits in the early summer or buying new boots for the winter.

The snow is one of the best parts of the North. Making snowmen or having snowball fights with friends make up half of my childhood memories. Snow days are the greatest surprise for everyone, and I mean real snow days, not the snow days they declare in the South. I mean snow days when your dad goes outside to shovel the feet and feet of snow.


Believe it or not, hockey isn’t just for Canadians. I was raised a rink rat. My brothers and I were on skates before we could read. The game of hockey is easily one of the most entertaining sports, with its fast pace and intermittent physical battles. Unfortunately, while up North almost every college has its own rink, hockey isn’t largely followed in the South.


The state of Michigan is arguably the most beautiful state in the Union. The great lakes are every bit as beautiful as the ocean, albeit in a different way. The Upper Peninsula looks like a watercolor painting. The cities are unique and culturally colorful. People from Michigan are proud of their state and proud of their people (the celebration of faygo and better made?). Plus it’s shaped like a fricking mitten.

Detroit, MI

While both the North and South are important pieces of the “American story” and my story, I will always favor the North. The quick lifestyle, the more liberal cultural values and the snow will always hold a special place in my heart.