How dance has influenced and changed my life

It doesn’t matter if I can’t go pro

Dance is something that children learn before verbal language. Instead of words, movement evokes their emotions and thoughts. As their movement becomes more purposeful and done with awareness it becomes dance.

Children pick up things from their surroundings whether it be words or movement patterns. All cultures create forms of visual arts, turn sounds into music as well as movements into dance. All of the arts are a part of our culture yet our educational systems include drawing, instrumental music and singing – but dance is often left out.

I started dancing when I was two and a half and now have dance as one of my two majors. Dance has always been a part of my life and a part of who I am.

Dance provides us with many benefits and it is sad that schools, such as my own elementary, middle and high school, do not have dance programs. I am also a music buff so I was always involved in the arts during school but I find it strange that dance is always omitted in most education programs.

The reasoning I get when I asked my teachers from my preL through 12 years why dance is not in our education programs is that dance is less important and would not help students in any way now or their future. This appalls me because they are basically saying my passion will not help me or get me anywhere. I often get the phrases when I tell people my majors, “you are not going to get very far,” “what are you even going to do with that” or my favorite: “you need to marry rich then.” There is a stereotype that dance is only for size zero girls who dance pointe (ballet) and men are often excluded when dance is brought up thus it is not needed in our education programs because a majority of the students would not become professional dancers.

I understand this point of view but dance is fun, can be used for social issues, and helps in developing a growing child. A majority of those who play an instrument, draw or sing during school do not become professionals yet we still have these in our education programs so why is dance being left out?

Dance has various benefits that should be taken advantage of by schools. According to Advancing Dance Education in the Arts (ADEA), dance helps children/young adults mature physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively.

Physical development increases because dance involves a greater range of motion, coordination, strength and endurance than most other physical activities. Dance utilizes the entire body and is an excellent form of exercise for total body fitness. For me dance is also a way to stay fit without having to run miles upon miles. I still go to the gym but dance makes working out so much more fun.

Dance allows for us to express our emotions and increase our awareness of ourselves and others through creative movement thus increasing our emotional maturity. Movement within a class setting is structured but also allows for an emotional and physical release. I crave dance classes around final exam week or back when EOG’s, SAT, and college admission occurred. I could just take an hour out of my day and completely focus on something other than stress and come out refreshed and ready to get to work. School is stressful so why not create a way to educate and release stress at the same time, in my opinion learning comes a lot easier when you are less stressed out.

Social awareness is also encouraged by dance. It allows for social encounters, interactions and cooperation. Dance also allows for everlasting friendships. Through movement we learn to communicate ideas to others and learn how to work within a group dynamic. Personally, I hate group projects for classes but for dance I have yet to have a time where someone did not give their all or not give input. The atmosphere allows for more cooperation and helps you learn how to work better in non-movement classes as well.

On a cognitive level dance helps us function in and understand the world. Movement provides the cognitive repetition between idea, problem, or intent and the outcome or solution. This idea has just recently begun to be explored.

Dance can provide a lot to education and should be included in education programs. No Child Left Behind reaffirms the arts as a “core academic subject” that all schools should teach basically putting it on the same level as core subjects; however, funding is still not what it should be because schools cannot afford to add dance into their educational programs.

I may be biased because of my background with dance but I still believe that it is important and should not be left out with arts education. Dance helps physically, mentally and emotionally while allowing you to have fun and enjoy being in the moment.