Please stop whining to me about your boy problems

If you do I will tell you to stop whining, fuck it, and get on with your life

Whether we like to admit it or not, I’m sure most women have found themselves in some sort of emotional strain over a guy, myself included. Not too long ago, I was the girl who cried and stressed over guys that I solemnly thought cared. After many wine nights, wasted tears, and finally meeting the right guy, I eventually came to my senses and understood the obvious truth – if a guy treats you like he doesn’t give a shit, he genuinely doesn’t give a shit. 

I am fully aware that nobody has the right to tell you how to deal with your nonexistent love life, but I hope to shed light on a matter that I see happen way too often. There are far more important things you should be focusing on instead of whining and sobbing over someone who didn’t text you back.

He’s not into you

Gigi Engle from Elite Daily couldn’t have worded it better“There is no gray area. Everything is black and white. If he’s into you, he will see you. If he wants to make it happen, he will make it happen.”

I know this may be difficult to comprehend but if he’s still sending you mixed signals and making you feel like you are losing your fucking mind, he is either a child or he’s just not that into you. Nowadays women like to hold on to any pathetic excuse that justifies why men can treat them so poorly. Truthfully, it is a never-ending ploy to keep you around probably because he’s bored and you’re exciting.

My friend Jesus Cabrera, makes a good point.

“Guys are just being guys, unless a guy really likes you he will play games and keep you on the hook for some company and sex, amongst many other things. Society and social media make it seem like it’s OK for a guy to cheat, have side bitches, or tell you that you’re the one even when there are many other girls.  All I know if a guy really likes or loves you he will go to the moon and back for you and usually just act like a little puppy dog.”

Thanks to my boyfriend I found some clarity 

It’s no hidden secret that women overanalyze EVERY detail of any given situation, especially when it comes to men. We drown ourselves in crazy thoughts and create problems in our heads that don’t exist. As a result of this, a majority of the time we end up ruining it for ourselves. Before my boyfriend and I were official there were times where I had doubts about our relationship and his intentions – and to be perfectly honest it was all my fault. I was so quick to make judgments over minor details because of what my girlfriends would tell me or because of ideas that society has deemed the average man to be. The truth is very clear: If he loves you, he will be yours and only yours.

Truthfully,  if you are still whining it’s your fault

I see plenty of people go on and on about somebody who is continuously feeding them bullshit. Truthfully, I have no sympathy for them because it’s their fault. There is no point in wasting tears on somebody who’s not even thinking about you when you could be finding someone who actually cares.

If it doesn’t stop now, will it ever?

I understand that women feel the need to keep someone around just because it seems easier, rather than letting them go – but if you’re lingering with someone who fails to show you the respect and love a woman deserves, then you’re just as bad them. How often is it that the men who treat us like scum end up being the ones that make us happy at the end? So next time you want to go on and on about someone who won’t bother to give you the time of day, ask yourself this: is loving someone more important than loving yourself?