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Fresher floods his Chamberlain halls room whilst having shower sex

‘The drain must’ve been blocked and we didn’t realise’


A Chamberlain fresher managed to flood his entire halls room whilst having passionate shower sex.

To see the full video, check The Soton Tab Insta.

James, who studies Business Management, and his girlfriend enjoyed a typical Friday night Switch. When they returned home they decided to spice things up a bit in the bedroom.

A very drunken 5am decision lead to some shower sex, during which neither of them noticed they were flooding his en suite, his bedroom AND part of the halls hallway.

James told the Soton Tab: "The drain must've been blocked or something and we didn't realise". Aw young love.

Once the couple realised what had happened, they quickly cleared up the mess before anyone noticed. It took two hours to clean up the water with "towels, hoovers, hairdryers and a mop". Luckily for them, maintenance were never told and they avoided a very awkward explanation.

Overall, James and his girlfriend agree it was a fun experience and learning curve for sure.

To see the full video, check The Soton Tab's Insta story highlights.