
Rather Dame Than Damsel

BEN DALTON embraces old actresses and explains why it’s time to take down that Megan Fox poster and hang up Helen Mirren.

Interview: Robert Bathurst

‘I lied at my Cambridge interview, saying I wanted to be a barrister. I reckoned that if I said I wanted to be an actor they’d quickly show me the door.’ HOLLY STEVENSON talks to ROBERT BATHURST, best known as ‘David from Cold Feet’ and the ‘seedy old widow’ in Downton Abbey.

Revealed: The Tabkins Table

In the first Tab Investigation this term, GEMMA OKE uncovers the truth about whether how you spend your spare time really affects your exams.

Tab Interview: Paul Roseby

Can theatre break middle and working class boundaries? TABATHA LEGGETT gets the low-down from PAUL ROSEBY, artistic director of the National Youth Theatre.

Tom Davenport

TOM DAVENPORT continues his undercover work at the ADC: “‘Oh babysugarcheekyhun,’ squawked one girl at me, complete with ruff and a luminous purple studded belt.”


LOUISE RIPLEY-DUGGAN is suffocatingly depressed by a piece of new writing about ‘suffocating depression’.