They’re addicted to coffee, so here’s what the Gilmore Girls cast would get at Starbucks

Even though Luke Danes does the best coffee in Stars Hollow

With the leaves on trees turning from green to amber, the summer sun disappearing behind clouds and Pumpkin Spice Latte reappearing on all Starbucks menus, it is safe to say that autumn is fast approaching. The months of September, October and November call for nothing more than a cosy beverage and an episode of Gilmore Girls (the ultimate autumnal series). 

From Doose’s Market and Luke’s Diner to Al’s Pancake World and the Independence Inn, the small town of Stars Hollow has it all. However, one thing it lacks is a Starbucks. It’s safe to say that every town or city requires a Starbies, everyone needs their chain coffee shop Iced Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso sometimes. And the Gilmore Girls characters would order at Starbucks every day. So, hypothetically if there was a Starbucks in Stars Hollow, here what the Gilmore Girls characters would order at Starbucks.

Sookie St. James – Mango Dragonfruit Refresha

gilmore girls starbucks

via Netflix

Being Lorelai’s partner in crime, Sookie St. James is your typical best friend of the protagonist. She is bubbly and kind, not to mention being a fantastic, innovative chef. For this reason, Sookie would be a fan of something exciting and bursting with exotic flavours, not just your old americano or latte.

Luke Danes – Americano

gilmore girls starbucks

via Netflix

Luke Danes is a man who enjoys the simple things in life, hence the very straightforward name Luke’s Diner. Whilst the Starbucks menu consists of many exciting beverages (the Iced Salted Maple Caramel Latte sounds amazing), Luke is definitely an Americano kind of guy. A coffee from Starbucks would be a well-deserved break from brewing up his own coffee all day long.

Lane Kim – Cookies and Cream Frappuccino

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Lane Kim is the master of living a double life. On the one hand she listens to rock music, plays the drums and eats junk (like her best friend Rory) but she also lives in an extremely conservative house where unhealthy food is banned. As a result, Lane would sneak out with Rory and indulge in one of Starbucks’ most sugary but delicious drinks, before heading home to a night of tofu.

Paris Geller – Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte 

gilmore girls characters order starbucks

via Netflix

Paris Geller is an extremely hard-working and driven character. She is Rory’s main academic competitor, especially when it comes to the school paper and being Chilton’s Valedictorian. Her avid curiosity for the world and all its workings means that she would choose something exotic and suited for acquired and matured taste buds. Therefore, an Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte, matcha being Japanese green tea powder, would be perfect for Paris. 

Emily Gilmore – Earl Grey tea

gilmore girls characters order starbucks

via Netflix

Emily Gilmore is a, slightly obsessive, woman of class and tradition. Fixated on outward appearance and reputation, Emily would turn her nose up at anything untraditional and Starbucks’ unconventional caffeinated beverages. Any sort of tea would be perfect for Emily, earl grey in particular, being popular amongst the older, more classy demographic. 

Richard Gilmore – Espresso

gilmore girls characters order starbucks

via Netflix

Like his wife, Richard Gilmore is extremely traditional, but also a kind and generous Grandfather. As an esteemed and successful businessman, Richard needs to be awake and alert for any unexpected and sudden hard work so an espresso is perfect: It’s a classic and perfect for a quick burst of energy.

Michel Gerard – Crème Brulée Iced Brown Sugar Oat Shaken Espresso

gilmore girls characters order starbucks

via Netflix

This one is pretty obvious. Michel is Lorelai’s colleague at the Independence Inn and also probably the Frenchest man on TV. So what could be better for Michel than a French dessert hidden within Starbucks Cold Brew? 

Dean Forester – Hot chocolate

gilmore girls characters order starbucks

via Netflix

From being Rory’s first love to proposing to his girlfriend, Lindsey, as a teenager, marrying her and then cheating on her with Rory, it is safe to say that Dean is slightly immature. For this reason, coffee may be slightly too much of an adult taste for him, so hot chocolate with none of the exciting stuff (no whipped cream, no marshmallows) would most likely be Dean’s first choice.

Jess Mariano – Cold Brew

via Netflix

Like his uncle, Luke, Jess likes simple things. His two favourite things seem to be books and Rory. Being an uncomplicated guy, Jess would have something basic, like a classic Starbucks Cold Brew. Easy to make, slightly bitter and nice and cold. 

Logan Huntzberger – Flat white

gilmore girls characters order starbucks

via Netflix

Logan is Rory’s third and final boyfriend of the series. Like Rory’s Grandparents, Logan’s family is loaded. He comes from wealth and helps Rory have new opportunities, like in season five taking Rory to jump from a platform with him holding an umbrella, wild right? Logan would have something classic and strong, so a flat white would definitely be his order.

Rory Gilmore – Mocha

gilmore girls characters order starbucks

via Netflix

Whilst she is a massive fan of Luke’s coffee (supposedly the best coffee in Stars Hollow) Rory would definitely get a drink with a sweet twist. She loves a sweet treat so a mocha would be perfect. She is simultaneously both adult and immature: She gives really great advice, but also falls asleep in Miss Patty’s dance studio all night, missing her curfew, and is lost for words when her first boyfriend says “I love you”. For this reason, a drink half way between grown-up and childish is perfect for Rory.

Lorelai Gilmore – Pumpkin Spice Latte with an extra shot

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Lorelai Gilmore puts the “star” in Stars Hollow. She is liked by everyone and embodies the New England, autumnal feel of the town. Therefore a Pumpkin Spice Latte would be perfect for Lorelai, being the star of Starbucks’ autumn menu. She also runs on coffee, so much so, Luke often has to cut her off at the diner, so an extra shot is vital. 

As for Kirk, he’d have a job there, obvs.

Gilmore Girls is available on Netflix now. For more like this rundown of what the Gilmore Girls characters would order at Starbucks and all the latest Netflix news, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.

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Featured image via Netflix and Starbucks