Here are all the best ways to beat homesickness as a Nottingham student
Because being a fresher should be fun and chaotic, not sad and lonely
As someone who missed home throughout first year, to now confidently being able to call Nottingham my second home, I’m definitely certified to give you the best advice that helped me, and will hopefully help you manage your first year of university away from home.
Take it from an international student who only gets to go home twice a year, I was able to make one of the hardest years of my life, one of the best. Being a fresher is one of the most difficult, bizarre, and exciting times of your life, and is a year you’ll never forget. From going out every night, to the hangovers the next morning, to getting to know your new flatmates, and creating a whole new routine, there is a lot to figure out.
So here are three ways to help combat the homesickness you may be feeling:
Make life at uni feel like home
This is essential for feeling comfortable and safe in your new room. Decorate your uni room by bringing statement pieces from home to give you that feeling of familiarity. I found having pictures around my room very helpful, almost like I was bringing a piece of home with me. Head to Victoria Centre to find the cutest stores for other decorations. From random, cute gadgets in Flying Tiger, to elegant decor from Sostrene Grene, or even a cheeky trip to Primark, there is so much choice.
Keep yourself busy
Many freshers struggle with this as it often feels so overwhelming when there is so much to choose from.
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From the range of sports, to the never ending list of societies, finding something you enjoy doing will be a big help in allowing you to get out, be social, and make the most of uni rather than staying in bed all week. The homesickness creeps up on you when you find yourself alone and without any distractions. So even if you’re not the sporty type keep yourself busy in other ways, like spending time with friends or flatmates.
I highly recommend doing weekly activities with your flatmates. This could be a pub quiz at Bodega every Tuesday, little arts and crafts evenings, or even cooking a meal together. This will not only build relationships but also give you things to be excited for.
Obviously the big elephant in the room is lectures (sorry to burst your bubble), but attending uni is helpful in maintaining a schedule and getting out of the house. Not saying you need to make those 9ams, but at least make sure you know what’s actually happening on your course.
Stay social and speak to friends
You might be feeling alone in this, but trust me everyone feels homesick at some point during the year – so remember you are not alone!
It’s always nice to schedule phone calls with your home friends every once in a while to chat and catch up. A thing I love is sending video story times to my friends straight after I’ve gone somewhere cool or done something new. It helps to stay connected, and when you do eventually go home, it’s almost like you’ve never been apart.