Edinburgh Clubbers of the Week: Body count none in Week One
Merry freshers to those who celebrated x
We’re back. No deadlines, no exams…just loads and loads of hangovers. Whether you’ve been getting freaky at Hive (gross) or feral at Big Cheese (even grosser) Clubbers of the Week is here to put all you party animals to shame. We’ve got big stunners, big heroes and even bigger wankers so without further ado, here are your Edinburgh Week One Clubbers of the Week.
Stunner of the week

Oh you ATE up that camera

Why don’t mine sit like that

Only you all could shine so brightly in Potterow

New Towns finest

New academic year and you’re STILL at Subway
Creeper of the Week

Get her out of that headlock

Pov a fourth year hitting on a fresher

You wish it was that big

Release this woman
Wanker of the Week
Most Read

This pose has never been cool

“I can bench your girl and all her friends”

Can always count on the WhyNot wankers to pull through

Me when my lecturer talks about dissertations:

Get your fingers out of your mouth sir (I hope the guy behind you is okay)
Hero of the Week

A big shout out to the bouncers keeping our clubs safe x

Come to this guy for your night out essentials

This mans arm’s are carrying the photo (literally)

Woah didn’t see you coming there

Mystery man reveal yourself
Heroine of the Week

You and me both girl x

Your liver is the real heroine here x

You guys could save me from drowning any day of the week

Serving drinks or serving vibes?

Never back down never WHAT?
WTF Moment of the Week

Hacker T Dog?? Katie Thistleton?? At Big Cheese???

Banana’s in pyjamas?? Uma Thurman in Kill Bill?? Power Rangers?? Please tell me what’s going on x

I think someone’s bathtub just flooded x

Vegan Cockers look away now

Her face says it all…
Unhappy Clubber of the Week

(Are they still looking?? Please I’m scared)

I don’t think I’ve seen someone look so upset when being hit on

Not an ounce of life behind those eyes

Alright calm down Hulk

Bro on the right is having war flashbacks
Best of the Rest

Oh my the luck of the Irish!

This doesn’t feel very casual x

Hands up if you’ve missed every lecture this week

Cowgate or Barbados?

No domestics in the club guys

Gonna tell my kids this is boygenius

This would have been in wankers if the guy on the left wasn’t such a cutie

“What halls are you in??” “What do you study??”

That fringe is certainly…a choice

Spot the odd one out
Photographer Credits
Ben Glasgow: Big Cheese
David Stewart: Subway Cowgate
Thomas Image Photography: The Hive
Kealan Bond: Why Not Nightclub