This is which Russell Group uni each Young Sheldon character would go to, based on vibes
Sheldon would thrive at Cambridge
As another academic year comes to an end, we all get ready to move out and return home. For many of us, this simply means watching TV and rotting away on the sofa. If you’re lucky, you’ll be earning money at your new summer job. Or maybe you’ll be keeping your brain in gear by preparing reading in advance for your upcoming modules in September. Or more likely, you’ll spend the entire summer doing what most of are too embarrassed to admit and binge watch Young Sheldon.
With all of the Sheldon characters living rent free in our brains, we can’t help but wonder wonder how realistic their characters actually are. After imagining how they’d survive in a UK school, it’s only natural to wonder how they’d fit in at uni. From Missy and her TV, Georgie on his job grind and Sheldon with head in the books, this is where the Young Sheldon characters would go to Russell Group uni.
Sheldon – University of Cambridge

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This is really no shock to anyone, but Sheldon would DEFINITELY go to Cambridge. With Cambridge being the best university for science (and a top Russell Group university) of course Sheldon would attend there. He would fit right in with other Cambridge students who are also keen to learn and ready to take anyone on in a “who’s the smartest?” competition.
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Sheldon would obviously study science and be part of some maths society – perhaps he’d be the president of the club. There isn’t much going on in Cambridge, so Sheldon wouldn’t have to worry about a crazy night out, he can just stay at home with his books. However, he would not be tempted to go punting as there’s too many germs in the river.
Missy – University of Bristol

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For Missy, although she wouldn’t have much interest in going to university, I would say she would be a Bristol gal. I could definitely see her studying theatre and performance studies as she lives for the drama. However, she would also be a part of some sport society like lacrosse, which is quintessentially British and a step away from Baseball.
Missy would also be so easily influenced by becoming a typical Brizzy girl. I could see her watching one episode of Skins and thinking she’s the next Effy. As Missy gets older, I can see first year her become someone with brow piercings and a crippling nicotine addiction (she would defo be a pineapple ice vape girl). Either way, she would would thrive in Bristol. Whether that be for sports or dancing the night away in Bristol, she would be the type who changes drastically because of uni.
Veronica – University of Edinburgh

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This one seems a bit rogue but I can really see Veronica going to Edinburgh. In the show, we see her go from bad girl to a good, Christian girl and I can see her continuing this era in Edinburgh. She would study Theology and be a member of a philosophy society. Veronica would be so shocked that she got into Edinburgh and would be so grateful to be in a completely different country.
Also, she would choose Edinburgh to have that whole self discovery journey in uni. I can see her enjoying the cobble streets of Edinburgh and being keen to learn the history. She would definitely be the first to suggest going up Arthur’s Seat and taking in the Edinburgh views. However, I could see her dabbling into a Bongo Tuesday from time to time (but she would go home at midnight).
Paige – University of Oxford

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Being Sheldon’s academic rival, Paige would of course study at Oxford. Being the second most intelligent Young Sheldon character at a Russell Group uni, Paige would study mathematics and be a part of nearly every single society the university has to offer. She wants to be good at everything so, she has to be the best of the best.
However, I can also see Paige having a major identity crisis throughout uni and wanting to go a bit off road with her path to intelligence. She may dabble in her feral club rat era and constantly beg someone for a night out despite her having an 8:30am lecture the next day. Paige wants to live a little, but she also wants to be the smart kid that she is. So, why not have the best of both worlds?
Mary – University of York

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Although Mary is a mother to three children, let’s be realistic about which university she would have gone to. I could see Mary attending the University of York as the medieval city would definitely be right up her street. Mary would obviously study religion or theology and say it was part of “God’s plan” for her to attend this uni. Yet, Mary would absolutely hate the student life. I can see her writing numerous emails to the university about the noise and constantly moan about how much alcohol students drink.
She would also be the type to start her own society about Christianity and force people to join then be upset that only one other person has shown up. Mary would also be so frustrating as a flatmate. Yes, she would be clean and constantly clean up after others. However, she would also be so quick to write angry, passive texts in the group chat and would knock on your door for being too loud as she’s trying to pray.
George – University of Exeter

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Although George is not at all “Exetah”, he would still go to Exeter for the sports that the university has to offer. Again, like Mary, we have to imagine a younger George going to university as he is the father of the Coopers. As George is the football coach in Medford’s High School, he would study Sport Science in Exeter. George would definitely have joined the American football society as well and would perhaps be on the rugby team.
I could see a younger George venturing out to TP Wednesdays with his rugby friends and causing absolute havoc as he chugs his third venom. He would definitely be a BNOC on campus and constantly walk around campus in his sports gear ready for his upcoming match on the field. He would also be way too hungover to go to any of his lectures of seminars as he drank way too much beer from the night before.
Meemaw – University of Manchester

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It’s hard to imaging the Young Sheldon characters at Russell Group uni without including Meemaw. We can all agree that a younger Meemaw would have been absolutely feral. I just know she would be out 24/7 partying and be way too hungover to actually step foot on campus. Being the cool, laid back Grandma she is, Meemaw would thrive in Manchester as she would love northerners and easily make friends with anyone. Given that Meemaw loves to knit, she would study something artsy and creative like art history. She would also be a member of a yoga or bowling society.
As Meemaw is such an outgoing, sociable person, she would be an unintentional BNOC just from making conversation with anyone and everyone. Meemaw would be the life of the party and constantly have her calendar booked with nights out. She would ALWAYS be down for a cheeky bar crawl or pub golf. She would also be an avid fan of Factory 251 and live for the DnB of it all. All in all, Meemaw would thrive in Manny and would live for going out at night – she would sleep all day and party all night.
Georgie – Nottingham Trent University

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Now, I know Nottingham Trent is not a Russell Group uni but, let’s be so for real, Georgie would not even think about applying for a Russell Group uni. He would be shocked he even got into Trent. But also, Georgie would mainly go to NTU for the Nottingham night life and girls. Georgie would treat uni as another form of Tinder and a way to pull. He would probably study music as he loves rock music. Or, he would study business as he is always trying to find a way to make a quick buck. Either way, we all know Georgie would never actually attend his lectures.
I just know that Georgie would absolutely love an Ocean Wednesday and try to flirt with girls by buying them a VK and making awkward eye contact with them across the dance floor. Even if he got rejected every single time, nothing would stop him.
Young Sheldon is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes and for more like this look at which Russell Group uni the Young Sheldon characters would go to, like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.
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