Freaking out about leaving? Here’s six pieces of advice from Exeter Uni graduates
Fear not – it seems there really is life after TP
If you’re feeling anxious about post-uni life, you’re not alone. Whether it’s the looming uncertainty of job hunting, leaving your beloved housemates and friends, or even the anxiety of parting ways with your bi-weekly Venom fix, graduating can be intimidating. However, as these recent Exeter grads assure us, it’s normal not to have it all figured out yet. We asked them to share their experiences and advice for you lot in your final EVER term, and they emphasised how life on the other side may not be as scary as you think. So, here are six pieces of advice from ex-students that will calm the anxiety and withdrawal from a final Efes, post-Wednesday TP:
1. “Don’t be afraid to give yourself time off after graduation”
Take some time to travel/earn money doing a bar job etc – you will never have this much freedom and free time again. Seriously, give yourself permission to take a proper breather after graduation. Whether it’s travelling or replenishing your bank account (especially if your wallet took a hit during a particularly boozy third term), it’s all part of the journey!
2. “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to suddenly have your adult life sorted out”
At the moment it feels like everyone has it sorted, adding to the pressure of third term exam stress. However, as this former student writes —it’s okay to take things one step at a time. There are more people in your situation than you realise.
3. “The job hunt is really overwhelming and arduous but you will get there!”
Reassuring, right?
4. “Do an impulse masters to maximise your student debt potential”
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This was a common sentiment amongst former students who wrote in; panic masters seem to be popular and come highly recommended. What’s not to like about another year on Vic Street pretending you’re still a fresher?
5. “Don’t get upset by rejections. Keep fighting!”
Easier said than done of course, but every “no” does lead you one step closer to a “yes”.
6. “Don’t Leave!”
Enough said.