Lecture proposals, Ocean and Mega Munch: The definitive Notts hall of fame
or maybe hall of shame?
Nottingham has a reputation for being a wild place, and well, who am I to argue with that? For all of the weird and wonderful things you and I witness daily in this city (and try to avoid direct eye contact with), the time has come to discuss the standouts that deserve a place in the Notts Hall of Fame. From the renowned Winter Wonderland to the cult-classic Mega Munch, this list aims to cover only the quintessential people, places and things that every Nottingham student experiences at least once in their tenure in our magnificent city.
Mega Munch
Mega Munch is legendary. I bet that in future years to come future generations will look back at Mega Munch in awe as we do the Acropolis, and ponder how a civilization could create a wonder so magnificent. Where better to eat after a night out? Where better to experience a debilitating sensory overload? For months my friends were telling me to go and I replied “absolutely not mate”, but alas, I get it now.
Andy Hoe
The King of Ocean and an excellent businessman, Andy Hoe has created a place for absolute mayhem to unfold in Notts and we are forever grateful. Ocean is for many a love-hate relationship, and more of a hate-hate relationship for me, but if you’ve managed to secure tickets for a Friday night dip you are promised a night of true madness.
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This is a classic night out for any Notts student and you quite frankly cannot make it the whole three years without going or getting dragged in at least a couple of times. I know final years who have just begun to acknowledge their time left here is not long and are responsibly using what they have left on frequenting Ocean on a Friday… And maybe a Wednesday too if they’re feeling particularly good.
Derby Road Sainsbury’s
Every single Notts student in Lenton is well acquainted with the Derby Road Sainsbury’s and if not they’ve clearly been living under a rock. Not only is it super convenient but it’s bigger than most of the Sainsbury’s Locals which makes it the best spot for when you and your mates are on a quest for those late night sweet treats. Just be warned you will bump into literally everyone you’re actively trying to avoid in here… Your arch nemesis from first year, that one awkward situationship you avoid like the plague in Ink and even your lovely landlord.
That time somebody proposed in a lecture
“Will you marry me?”
“Yeah, okay.”
I am not the Jem for feeling, but this video truly made me shed a tear. Now, a lecture hall is not the most ideal location on campus for a proposal. Personally, I’ve seen more romantic things happen in the David Ross Sports Village dojo, so perhaps he should have chosen there. Too late I guess…
This is not the strangest thing I’ve seen a varsity hockey player do but that’s another list for another time. This must go down in Notts history due to the sheer infamy of it.
Notts Winter Wonderland
The Notts Winter Wonderland lights up Old Market Square every year and makes the city centre look magical, as it always does year-round. The market is filled with so many great things to do; you can buy cute trinkets, indulge in seasonal treats or buy a velvety hot chocolate for a reasonable price. On top of that you can go ice skating, try out the ice slope or visit the ice bar, what’s not to love?
Plus the giant wheel is iconic and definitely the best part.
The 34 Bus
The 34 bus is quite frankly the most iconic bus for students in Notts. Where to begin? Whether you’re heading for campus or speeding to Nottingham city centre for some shopping, the 34 has you covered.
The students I know who take the bus tell themselves that they don’t need to buy the bus pass at the start of the year as they plan to walk, but the 34 is always their saving grace when they don’t wake up with quite enough time to walk to their 9 am lecture. This bus is especially loved when it speeds past everybody as it gets to Lenton, and all students have to wave goodbye to the thought of getting to lectures on time. Being aired by the 34 must be a truly humbling experience, but we love you 34 never change.
Sam ‘The Blues Man’ Lindo
There’s only one place I want to be after a long, hard-working day of bar crawling, and that is with Sam. Not only does he bring good music to Notts, but he is such good fun that I never want to leave. You can find Sam in the city centre in the late evenings, near King Street. But when he sees a mob of half-dressed, drunk nineteen-year-olds parading towards him, I’m sure he’ll make a run for it. Anyone would.
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