Georgia Steel’s out of touch Love Island quotes, ranked from delusional to deranged
Her one liners are unforgettable
Let’s get real, Georgia Steel was the backbone of this season of Love Island: All Stars. She looked unreal and her glow up from 2018’s season four to 2024’s All Stars had us all obsessed. Everyone was recreating her gorgeous makeup with the winged out brown eyeliner and fake freckles. TikTok is obsessing over her sleeked back hair with her bow. I mean, she really is a flawless trend setter. But, like all of us she has a touch of delusion when it comes to her love life.
Whether you love her, hate her, or just cannot get enough of her, there is no denying that Georgia Steel knows how to keep us talking with her iconic quotes. So buckle up, because here are all of her best Love Island one liners, ranked from delusion to simply deranged:
12. ‘Do you want to kiss me right now?’
Straight to the point girl. I defo think that if we were all on Love Island then this would be our interior monologue. Georgia defo just says and does everything that comes to her mind and you can’t really fault a girl for playing the game of Love on Love Island, can you? I too, would ask for a kiss.
11. ‘The only reason Eve, the only rea- Jess’
Easily done with identical twins. She was too lost in proving her point to figure out who she was proving it to.
10. ‘I catched up with an old friend’
I mean, she kind of was?
9. ‘Callum is a Yorkshire tea, Tom is a coffee’
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Tea and coffee tells us a lot about a person, and I defo judge someone on which one they like. Georgia comparing the boys to her hot drinks that she likes but then not saying which one that she likes, is not overly useful.
8. ‘I had no idea’
To be fair, she could have been blissfully unaware of the chaos that she is causing and lost in her own world, but her cluelessness is definitely the vibe that we need to go for. I will be taking this one into my everyday life.
7. ‘I asked Moll if it was her first time kissing Joe’
Georgia does make smart moves in what she says. Trying to take the attention off of her and really spicing up the villa. She is bringing the heat this year and without her, what would actually be happening in there?
6. ‘I think I’ll be pretty much the opposite of what I was like’
She definitely is different, but I don’t know if it is the opposite. Georgia is great at her over exaggerated one liners.
5. ‘In that moment I thought I was making the right decision’
Georgia loves to use time in her phrases, in that moment, in my head right now, currently, she is tracing her thoughts and decisions back to past her. If she says she thought she was making the right decision, does that mean she admits that she is in the wrong…
4. ‘I am grateful for my natural long hair, my eyes, you…..’
She remembered to be thankful for her family eventually x
3. ‘I’m loyal babes’
Manifesting core! Our queen loves manifesting what she wants. This one redefined all of our views on life back in 2018, when she was, perhaps, not so loyal…. But things are changing this season, right Georgia?
2. ‘No one is perfect and you learn from your mistakes’
Ok, Pinterest. Georgia has the mindset of becoming a better person from everything that you do, and we love that for her. In the high-stake game of reality TV, it is a reminder that everyone can take away, even if we aren’t all with a full glam lathered up in sun by a pool with a group of hot boys to stare at.
1. ‘I’m just a 25-year-old girl navigating her way through the villa trying to find the person she loves’
She’s just a girl guys!
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Featured image credit via ITV