Looking for the best clubbers in the UK this week? Here they are!

They’re funkier than Justin Timberlake’s new song

I’m going to ask you one question: did you come here today to read an introduction?

Nope, didn’t think so. You came here to see the greatest clubbers in the country.

Fine. Here they are.

Sleepiest clubbers

Exam season can be really tiring

Medic of the week

I’d say her heartbeat seems normal, about 80bpm

Brightest camera flash of the week

You’re hurting our eyes mate

A brief look inside David Cameron’s nightmares

“You did WHAT to our son!?”

My wife never kisses me like that any more

All we do is fight

Our mum buys us matching shirts

She loves it when we go out together

No-one asked for this picture mate

Not one person

Blast! I forgot all me music!

I knew I was supposed to remember something

Puff, the Magic Dragon

He frolicks in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee

That one mate who gets too drunk and turns into a horse

Ryan does this literally every time

Wait, are Liam and Noel speaking again?

Surely this means a reunion is on the cards?

There’s a candle in that bottle

You’re gonna burn your tongue mate

These girls bullied you at school

Your mum said they’d grow out of their looks

And this guy just fired you

Bet he’s gonna get a huge bonus

Look, he’s too shy to ask you out!

Bless him, he’s asking his friend to do it

This week on Most Haunted: ‘I was force-fed by a ghost’

I didn’t hate it

We are so proud of our sweet son

He wants to be a spacehopper when he grows up

Hello? I’d like to report a missing shoe

Yes, I can hold