Pulling out during sex can be just as good a contraceptive as using a condom

Research is claiming you’re no more likely to get pregnant

Pulling out during sex could just as effective at avoiding pregnancy as wearing condoms claim some sex experts.

While many people see the withdrawal method as risky and perhaps even a bit pointless, recent research has shown it has its merits.

A study on “The importance of withdrawal” in the Contraception Magazine looked at the percentage of couples who would be expecting a bundle of joy within a year.

The 2014 study found that when the male partner withdraws before ejaculation every time a couple has sex, only four per cent of couples became pregnant.

The rate was two per cent among those who used condoms perfectly.

There was even less difference in the results for average pull-out game and using johnnies.

17 per cent of those with typical withdrawal use are pregnant within a year, just one percent lower than for typical condom use.

For comparison, a healthy thirty year old woman, who is actively trying to become pregnant, has a roughly 20 per cent chance of conceiving each month.

Won’t be needing this any more

Rachel K. Jones, of the Gutmacher Institute, said: “We had all noticed that social science researchers and health care providers just kind of dismiss withdrawal and don’t seem to realise that it can prevent pregnancy.”

“Most people seem to be under the impression that you might as well do nothing.”

A downside of the pulling out method is the potential for sexually transmitted infections to be passed on, something that condom use helps protect against.