We watch more porn and have less stamina than our parents

Pornhub’s stats aren’t flattering

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We are hornier than our parents and can’t last as long when watching porn – according to new stats.

Every so often, the strong-wristed anoraks in the Pornhub team compile data to reveal insights about our porn habits.

And now they’ve said if you’re aged between 15 and 27, you account for 61 per cent of the UK’s visits to Pornhub.com. But our average visits last only nine minutes and 10 seconds.

But older generations manage a more respectable 10 minutes and 15 seconds watching porn.

The gender split of porn use is more equal among millennials than older generations. Though oddly, young men still watch three times more porn than women.

Unsurprisingly, bukkake fans tend to keep their porn viewing compact, with 60 per cent of our views coming from smartphones.

Lesbian is the most popular search term among companionless youths. More problematically, teen and step mom come in second and third place.

‘lesbian’ is the most common search term

90s kids were almost universally neglected by their parents and raised instead by The Simpsons and Spongebob Squarepants. So perhaps it is unsurprising that we now turn to cartoons when they want to get off and we’re 190 per cent more likely to search for hentai than those over 35.

A rare glimpse of hope for depraved millenials is that we are 72% less likely to search for ‘dogging’ than over-35s.