Michelle Obama is the role model America needs

Please just stay forever

What scares me most about about the idea of having Hillary or Trump for president is that we will have to live in a world without Michelle Obama as the first lady.

In the wake of all the hubbub of the 2016 election, most Americans are spending their time freaking out about the prospect of both of our presumptive nominees, but I’m just over here moping at the fact that young ladies are losing such an inspirational figure.

I don’t know if I couldn’t have painted an even more perfect First Lady if I tried.

She has TWO Ivy League degrees

An educated woman is important. An Ivy League educated woman is pretty cool. A two time Ivy League educated woman is inspiring. Michelle Obama didn’t just go to school, get a degree, and get married. She worked and studied to make a life for herself and was an established working woman before she met her political husband. As a young woman working through college, it’s encouraging to see other women shattering concepts like the glass ceiling. Mrs. Obama likes to remind young ladies that “when girls are educated, their countries become strong and more prosperous.”

She built her life around helping people

Though Mrs. Obama went to school for Law, her career lead her to helping people through community service and activism. Before ever stepping foot in the White House, she was already undertaking community service and outreach programs in the Chicago area. She then used her political platform to amplify her campaigns. Her main focuses are inspiring young kids to reach for higher education and encouraging America’s youth to seek a healthier lifestyle.

It’s refreshing to have a role model who actually goes out a makes the changes herself. Michelle is always out working hands on with her projects and speaks firsthand on account for all of them. Once again she’s working to better the American way of life by inspiring people to seek positive change in the simplest ways they can.

Her arms are legendary

There is an entire Cards Against Humanity Card devoted to them. Alongside other classic pop culture icons, not just Michelle Obama, but specially her arms stand next to iconic things like “smegma” and “Nicholas Cage.” They must be pretty amazing and are a literal symbol of her being a strong independent role model.

She’s cool without trying to be ‘cool’

Most of us are no stranger to the older generation trying hard to “relate” to us and be “hip.” I can confidently say that I have never once rolled my eyes at anything Michelle Obama has ever said or done in an effort to “grab a younger audience.” She had me at her first dance battle with Jimmy Fallon and still has me when she’s staring in her own snapchat story.

I think that it is important for public figures and role models to actually be someone we can look up to in the way that we can identify with. Mrs. Obama so naturally makes an effort to equalize herself with those she is speaking to and with that a lot of the time she comes off as your super cool big sister.

Could you really imagine a better First Lady?

Though many people are focused on the future of American politics, I think it is important that people take a second to reflect on the legacy we are about to leave behind. All politics aside, the Obama administration granted us some pretty amazing role models.

My hopes and dreams for this upcoming election is for her legacy to live on and for young girls to continue to be inspired by her.

I love her so much that I might just write her in on my ballot.