Someone cut down a ‘Black Lives Matter’ display in Granville

It was crumpled and thrown in a trashcan

A Granville Towers bulletin board about the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement was cut down and thrown into a nearby trashcan early this morning. The display had only been up for two days.

An anonymous OA said the bulletins are often torn down by drunk residents, but this defacement seemed intentional. The display was cleanly cut with scissors before being crumpled and thrown away.

A UNC student tweeted about the defacement this morning.

One Granville resident who identifies as a person of color believes this act is symbolic of race relations on campus.

“There is an unspoken segregation that occurs in the housing of UNC. You will find that a majority of black students and other minority students tend to prefer living in South Campus over North Campus and white students prefer North.”
