Here’s everything you need to know about the new Huskies

A complete guide

Campus has reached the end of an era. Huskies Bar closed their location softly nestled next to Ted’s, and re-opened above Wally’s Chicken Coop – the location which Final Pour previously inhabited. (RIP Final Pour).

Huskies had inhabited their previous location for over 20 years.

The change to this new, bigger, and nicer locale is something that we can easily say students on campus are thankful for.

We went to the last nickel night at the old Huskies, and the first few nickel nights at the new Huskies, and here’s the key information you should know before you go.

The nickel deal is exactly the same 

Still four drinks for a dollar. Still a journey to get to the front of the bar.

two drinks, one good night

The line to get in is much longer

Like with any nightlife location, the better it is, the longer the line will be. Depending on what time you arrive, the wait can be pretty lengthy – a half hour or more. But if you arrive a little early, you should be all set. We arrived at 7:15pm for a nickel night that started at 7pm, and we only waited five minutes in line. But another night we arrived an hour after nickel started, and we were waiting for over 45 minutes.

So bottom line – get there early.

The line literally wraps around the corner downstairs if you get there late

Be prepared to sweat

Though the new location is bigger, it’s still just as sweaty as the old Huskies. It’s as packed as it was before, and forget about pushing your way to the front of the bar. In the 20 minutes it took to get close enough to order drinks, I was a cess pool of about 40 different people’s sweat. There’s actually quite a few fans in the room, which is an improvement, but honestly I still wish the place was air conditioned to about 40 degrees. (I’d still be sweating if it was 40 degrees in there though).

The sweat was extremely real

The bathroom line is much shorter

Shockingly, there’s also an abundance of toilet paper, the stalls actually close, and the bathroom is surprisingly nice. Drunk girls will still tell you how pretty you are when you’re looking in the mirror, and you’ll likely be wiping the sweat off your body with the abundance of paper towels. Well done, Huskies.

There are huge TVs everywhere 

A ton by the bar, and a ton by the dance floor. You’ll never have to miss a play again – even if you’re dancing and spilling beer all over yourself.

Still the same people 

You still have your regular crowd. You’ve got the guys who sing “Livin’ on a Prayer” with you even if you don’t know them. You’ve got the kings and queens of nickel, and you’ve got the first-timers who ask how much cover is. It’s always been $6 and it always will be. You’ve got the girls who dance the whole time, and you’ve got the girls who double fist bud lights. You’ve also got the guys who pick a spot at the bar and stay there for two hours, passing back dirty shirley’s to the girls who can’t make it to the front.

Pushing through this crowd to get drinks easily builds strength and agility

You’ll love it just as much

No need to fear, nickel enthusiasts can still take part in their way of life.

University of Connecticut