Here’s everything you can buy with Gene Block’s annual salary

Guess how many replacement BruinCards it would get you

The Chronicle of Higher Education just released a report announcing the executive salaries at public and private schools. Our very own chancellor Gene Block reportedly makes over $446,000 a year.

The annual salaries on this list range from $7,000 to $1.5 million, and Gene falls right around the middle. Does he deserve every cent? Probably – being a daddy to thousands of UCLA students isn’t cheap. Should he earn more? Not after he’s raised tuition again.

What I can tell you is that as struggling, broke college students, that salary means a lot to us. Here’s a list of some of the things we could buy with $446,851.

1) 64,295 chocolate chunk pizookies from BJ’s

2) 131,426 orders of Animal Fries from In-N-Out

3) 45,830 student discount movie tickets from Bruin Regency Theater (and 44,685 buckets of unlimited popcorn for a year)

4) 29,790 tickets to see a play at the Geffen Playhouse

5) 63,835 swipes from UCLA SwipeSwap

6) 18,657 replacement BruinCards

7) 2,644 DEN passes

8) 13 years of in-state tuition living on The Hill

9) 7 years of out-of-state tuition living on The Hill

10) 99,300 dozen Diddy Riese cookies

11) 7,839 overpriced UCLA sweatshirts

12) 1,540,865 cups of ramen

13) 55,936 months of Netflix

14) 8,938 Big Fat Fatty Challenge sandwiches from Fat Sal’s

15) 89,370 cover charges for a frat party

16) 6,571 used textbooks

17) 4,965,011 pages from a WEPA printer (which is about 20 million BruinWalk flyers)

18) 74, 599 fidget spinners

19) 1,838 parking permits, or parking permits for 612 years

20) Unlimited Gene Block meme-making privileges

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