UC Davis is the best college in California, America and probably the world

Why would you want to go anywhere else?

Davis is our home and UC Davis is our proverbial temple of knowledge. UCD might not always be the number one school in every category – however, what makes us the best is that we are the perfect combination of everything you could possibly want in a school.

My two years here have been absolutely terrific and have been matched with an increasing appreciation for our school and the city of Davis.

Not just a pretty face

We’re smart. We’re very, very smart.

The average GPA for incoming freshman in the year 2015 was 4.1, with an average SAT score of 1965. We are the best school in the world for veterinary medicine and the second best for agriculture and forestry. We also regularly rank within the top 50 reputed universities in the world and are one of the best value – for money schools in the country.

We work hard, and let me tell you from personal experience people here mean business.

Hard at work in the library

How many other campuses come with an airport?

When I was here over the summer and campus was sparsely populated, I realized that to say our campus is breath-taking is probably the understatement of the year. Whilst we might not have a beach located in close proximity, we are the only school in the UC system with a fucking airport!

I don’t think many people have the luxury of attaining their pilots licence or going skydiving whilst at school.

University Airport

Have you stopped and looked at how magnificent the buildings on campus are?

The Mondavi Center

And did I mention the Arboretum?

The Arboretum

The city of Davis itself is ranked as one of the coolest suburbs in America. With a low crime rate, awesome bike routes and of course, our beloved Unitrans-Davis is one of the easiest towns to live in.

PICNIC DAY – need I say more?

The event that everyone looks forward to all year- isn’t an event that college students from all over the Western Seaboard attend makes us worthy of the title in itself?

From doggie-derbies to daygers, anything goes. This is the day to remember (that if you play it right, you probably won’t)

Picnic Day at UC Davis is the culmination of what makes us great.

Greek Life-Clubs-Sports – Davis has it all

The gentlemen of Delta Chi raising the bar for altruistic excellence at their yearly Arboretum clean-up

Davis has a very vibrant social scene with something for everybody. Whether Greek life suits you or not, you will always have something to do on the weekends. You can choose from a plethora of ragers, kickbacks all the way across the spectrum to hackathons and anime. With over 700 clubs and organizations, Davis really is your oyster.

I was personally involved with student government, AiCHE(American Institute Chemical Engineers) and the boxing club at various stages of my academic career (thus far) and each experience has been fulfilling in its own right.

Davis is also really well connected to Sacramento which makes it really easy to go to gigs too. I was fortunate enough to watch one of my favorite bands, Enter Shikari, live at The Ace of Spades in April.

Rou Reynolds

Any person can find their place here

People in Davis are an eclectic bunch to say the least. The cultural immersion I’ve had the pleasure of being part of in the last is more than that I had experienced in the previous 19 years of my life. UC Davis is home to over 6,000 international students from all across the world (including myself).

The drive that us Aggies have is contagious.

Don’t just take it from me:

Mykaiah Clermont, sophomore, Mechanical Engineering  

Mykaiah plays in the marching band, is a tour guide for UC Davis and also plays club soccer.

He says of Davis, “The reason I love Davis is the feeling of family here on campus. The people are the most genuine and kind-hearted that I have ever met, given me living here for about 20 years.

“I am from Dixon, CA which is about 5 minutes away from Davis, literally… so I’ve seen my fair share of every kind of person that has come through this neck of the woods and everyone has the spark that Davis needs and offers. The spark of friendship and compassion.”

Marisa Paquette, Sophomore, Managerial Economics

Marisa is a second year Mangerial economics who (successfully) combines endurance biking, working and studying. Her opinion on the matter is symptomatic of my inherent message:

“I can’t speak for everyone, but I love getting up early and biking down county roads to Winters, Woodland, Dixon, etc. Both the prime, middle-of-nowhere location and small town atmosphere of Davis facilitate a simpler way of life – one in which I was able to really hone in on who I am and who I want to be.

“Lengthy bike rides really give you time to think! Moreover, because Davis is such a large school with such a diverse, friendly group of students, anyone can find an organization that suits them. In short, I fell in love with Davis because of self-discovery and good friends.

“At the end of the day, isn’t that what college is about?”

She’s preparing for a 100 mile bike ride this summer. Yikes.

Jack Foley, sophomore, Pol-Sci

My (reluctant) best mate (and closet Republican) Jack epitomizes the versatility that UC Davis students develop. A second year Poli-Sci major, he interns at a lobbying firm in Sacramento, was the former Attorney-General for Student Government and a part of the mock-trial team, is a Sunday school teacher and additionally, acts in productions by the Dead Arts Society.

“I love Davis because it proffers me the opportunity to pursue what I want to pursue career-wise as well as other goals that boost my all-round development.”

I cannot stress how delighted I am to be part of this awesome experience which will leave me with invaluable memories for the rest of my life (and I hope that some of you reading this will be a part of too).

Go Aggs!

UC Davis