All of the things that will happen with boys from your hometown during the holidays

Including the standard “hey, I’m bored” text

After dying from finals and everything that’s evil about them, we’re finally back to our hometowns for winter break. Of course, the cold weather and holiday cheer could definitely turn any girl’s heart a little more sappier than usual and we’re left with a huge dilemma.

Our hometown baes are also home for the break, which leaves us with either messaging them or blocking their number because it will lead to t-r-o-u-b-l-e.

But if you’re like me, you’ll go against every single thing you said you wouldn’t do and message the hometown bae. He’s probably also the main the reason why you’re glad you moved away for college, but hey, we’re young and making mistakes, right?

You’re going to send a “Hey, I’m bored” text

Agh, the “Hey I’m bored and I’m hoping you’re bored too” text is a classic move. You’re back home, the weather is perfect to cuddle, and you’re tired of being in your house with your parents doing nothing. There’s really nothing else to do but to text your hometown bae.

You will snapchat them once — okay, fine, maybe twice

It’s the holiday season and you’re dressed up for a party after looking like a bum throughout finals week. You’re looking fly and you wanna show your shit off. Snapping your hometown bae a quick 2 second snap (6 seconds if you’re feeling kind) is the only reasonable choice in this situation. I say do it, snap that outfit and bless their feed for the night.

You’ll be tempted to go back to the good ol’ times

You’re at the local bar. You see him, he sees you. You start to remember the great times you’ve had with him and think maybe the college guys from your school weren’t the right ones for you. Maybe he’s the one who you’re meant to be with and it’s the holiday season, so let’s be merry and be together!!

Yes, he might be near you for these next few weeks but there’s a reason why he’s not in your life anymore and only in your hometown. Ladies, we have to be strong and if you give in, there’s always a glass of wine and Friends episodes waiting back home and I’ll definitely join you if you need some comfort.

You’ll avoid your hometown ex who hasn’t moved on at all costs

He won’t recognize me now or ever.

If you’re like me, you’ll see him from afar, back away slowly and drive somewhere — anywhere — else. This is the worst kind of hometown bae, I suggest buying a fake mustache and changing your name to Oswaldo. He won’t ever find you or want you with a mustache better than his.

You’ll be glad that you graduated high school

Once you’ve graduated from high school, you will realize two things: high school relationships/drama weren’t so important and dating someone from your hometown probably isn’t something you would want right now.

That’s why if you choose to meet with your hometown bae, it could be something good after all. This might be the only way for you to realize what’s truly best for you and focus on yourself this winter break.

Take my advice — it might be easy to go back to your hometown bae, but 2017 is around the corner. Don’t waste your time on the past and grab your best outfit and make this year your bitch.

Temple University