The funniest reactions to Obama coming to Rutgers for commencement

Bill Moyers just got RU screwed

Two weeks ago, we played a hilarious prank on all of you when we ran a fake story about Obama being our commencement speaker. Well now he actually is coming to this year’s 250th commencement and as usual, Rutgers students had a lot to say and basically word vomited all over social media. From concern about poor Bill’s feelings to inviting Obama to after parties, here are the best reactions when we found out Obama is coming:

Some students gave Bill Moyers a fun new name

Other students wanted Obama to speak about some of the not so great aspects of RU

Some pointed out how salty other schools will be about it

Other students made some interesting comparisons

Other students were more concerned with where Obama would be partying post-graduation (ratio doesn’t apply for obvious reasons)

Some were focused on Bill’s tender age of 81

Some students saw the opportunity Barchi is capitalizing on

Others saw it as a major accomplishment

And the rest of us that aren’t seniors just have to sit there and watch like:

Rutgers University