Trustees create ‘Wilson Legacy Review Committee’

Students can sign up for personal meetings with the committee

As promised by President Eisgruber after the Nassau Hall sit-ins in November, the Princeton Board of Trustees has put together a committee to explore possibilities for change (or for no change) with regard to Woodrow Wilson’s legacy at the university.

The committee plans to assess the situation in a number of different ways: by inviting scholars on the subject to provide them context and information, by inviting students to share their opinions and even with in-person conversations on campus starting early in the spring semester. The schedule has not yet been posted, but according to the designated website, will be up as soon as they are available.

So who’s in the committee?

The committee, run by the vice chair of the Board of Trustees, is made up of ten members of the Board. They plan to collect information and opinions from a wide array of sources, including the entire Princeton community.

It is not clear how the committee was put together. Here are the members:

The website invites people to share their opinions through a short survey, which can be found here.

So far, this is all the information that has been given, but as the committee’s efforts progress, there will be more information posted on their website – and of course more updates from The Tab!

Princeton University