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What to do when you lose your driving license on a night out

Don’t panic just yet

| UPDATED college

You were having an absolute ball on a night out with all your friends until you reached into your wallet and have that heart-dropping moment. Your driver's license is gone. It got lost or stolen somewhere along the way. It's a total panic situation, but don't lose it just yet. People need to get new drivers liceneses all the time. Here's what you should do when you've got a lost driver's license situation on your hands.

Don't freak out

Whether you're realizing this at the first bar you went to or at the end of the night, there's not much you can about it right away. We'd call the places you've been and ask if they have it. There's always a chance it's been found. Retrace your steps and ask around. Give your room a good look over to make sure you didn't leave it at home. If there's really no sign of it, take a breath and try to relax. There's not much you can do outside of business hours so why not get some rest?

Get your paperwork together

In order to get a new drivers license, you're going to need proof of identification. Start rounding that stuff up right away so you're prepared. Different states need different types of documentation so we'd definitely check in with your local DMV's website. You'll likely have to have your date of birth, your Social Secruity number, a completed application for a driver's license and a credit card for the replacement fee.

Ways to apply

You can request a new license via online, mail, or in-person. If you want a new license ASAP, we'd go to the DMV in person with your paperwork. They will give you a temporary license while your official new card is mailed to you.

Applying online gives you the time to get your stuff together, but it will take about two weeks for your replacement to reach you and there's no temporary card in the meantime. Pretty much the same thing goes for mailing your application in, but now you're waiting for your paperwork to reach the DMV.