Image may contain: Kicking, Washer, Appliance, Furniture, Chair

Everyone needs to learn these laundry room rules or your clothes will end up on the floor

Just set a timer

| UPDATED college

It's one thing to wash your clothes in the comfort of your home, but a laundry room or laundromat at college is a whole different animal. What a lot of people fail to realize is that there is a laundry room etiquette in place and if you disobey, there are consqences. There's zero mercy in the laundry room so follow these rules and your clothes won't go from the washer to the floor.

Know when to go

Everyone tries to do laundry at the same time so there's always a mad dash and never enough machines. Crowded laundromats make for grumpy people who are super possessive over their machines. Avoid doing your laundry Sunday or Monday night. No one ever has plans and wants to wash everything to get their week started. If you can get creative with your timing, it'll be way easier to get a washer. Weekday afternoons are good or Wednesday-Thursday nights.

Pick up your stuff on time

There's nothing grosser than wet clothes that have sat in the washer for hours on end. Set a timer on your phone and go back when it goes off. When you go to class or hang out with friends, you tend to forget to swing by the laundry room on your way. If your stuff has been in the machine for hours or overnight and there's no sign of you, people will take your stuff out and leave it on top of the machine or on the floor.

Leave your belongings there at your own risk

Sometimes it feels like the laws of property completely disappear in the laundry room. We wouldn't leave your hamper or detergent just hanging out. People will totally skim a little bit or the entire bottle might just disappear. Take your stuff with you and if someone has taken your clothes out of the dryer, it's not unheard of for an article two of clothing to mysteriously vanish.

Don't take up every machine

Just because you beat everyone to the laundry and all the machines are open, that doesn't mean you should be that asshole and take all of them. We get you've waited to wash everything you own at once, but that's such a dick move. Everyone will be pissed and glare at you when you start moving stuff from the washers to the dryers.