Would you penetrate a mate

It always ends in bodily fluids, tears or otherwise

If you’ve never been in a friends with benefits relationship then “is it worth it” may seem like a stupid question. Of course it’s worth it, who’s crazy enough to not want sex on tap and good chat, right?

But there’s two sides to every story, especially when that story involves shagging.


Sex with no emotional attachment

The most appealing aspect to this type of relationship is that you can have as much sex as you want without worrying about the romantic element. As one second year said: “It’s a very safe kind of a relationship.”

There’s no pressure with this set up and you don’t need to try and decode text messages to work out if he or she likes you. You only need to know that you have a shared physical attraction and you like hanging out together anyway. 

There’s no pretense with pals.

One third year who’s been in two of these relationships said: “The good part about it is that it’s a come and go kind of thing.

“All I really wanted was a good excuse for someone to come over at stupid o’clock, possibly with food.”

You still have your freedom

“Usually in this type of relationship both parties have a lot of freedom to do as they please.”

And it’s true, you don’t have to feel guilty about flirting with that attractive person sitting next to you on the bus. You can talk, text and have sex with however you please and your partner in this relationship has no grounds to hassle you about it.

You don’t have many responsibilities with this relationship

You really have little to do to maintain this relationship.

Here’s a list of things you do have to do:

  • Have sex

It really is that simple.

And here’s a list of things you don’t have to do:

  • Buy the other person birthday presents
  • Ask them how their days been
  • Pretend to like their annoying friends
  • Meet their parents
  • Go on dates

Every night out will always end well

No longer will you have to be worried about going home alone on nights out. You’re always just a booty call away from a good end to the night.


Emotions will make an unwanted appearance

Chances are the emotional walls will start to crumble for one of you and this can only result in that person developing feelings for the other.

If it’s only one sided then this is where the simple relationship takes a turn for the awkward and messy.

It’s no longer just sex.

Here’s where the fun road trip leads you to an unwelcome T-junction. You’ve got two options: stick it out and take this no strings attached relationship into the place you were trying to avoid or call an end to it.

First year Jamie said: “I think usually people get attached if it extends over time. It’s more of a short term or now-and-then fun thing.

“If you are casually seeing someone who you find attractive as a person, you will start to develop feelings.”


No matter how good you are at shutting yourself down emotionally you will end up feeling a tad jealous if you see or hear of your friend with benefits getting with someone else.

And guys get wound up as easily as women. One second year English student said: “I’d been in a friends with benefits situation for about three weeks when the guy saw me dancing with someone else in Underground. He poured a drink over my head, cried and kicked a taxi. It was tragic.”

Graduate Rachel thinks it’s something you have to work on keeping under control. She said: “You need to be rational and accept you’re probably not going to be monogamous, or just don’t do it.

“There’s huge potential for awkward situations when you’re out together as a group of mates and you go home with separate people.

“Getting jealous is a maturity thing and something most people struggle with for a long time.

“But there’s no need for jealousy if you’re open with one another and respectful.”

You’re kind of off the market

Even though you’re not in a fully committed relationship it will still be rather hard to convince someone else that you’re not seeing or attached to your new found friend with benefits.

So is it really worth it?

Friends with benefits can get rather complicated, and almost always does. Fourth year Matthew said: “I like my friends too much, it’d just be incesty.”

While it might seem like sex on tap with a mate is ideal, there’s a reason people grow out of the habit. A third year Politics student said: “Uni can trick you into thinking it’s a good idea but really it’s just an absolute shocker.”